
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Child Rearing in sixteenth century English Upper Classes Essay

Child-rearing was an evolving practice within the English upper class from the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. A new adult view of children as mature, fragile and inherently good led to changes in the nursing, care, and discipline of English, aristocratic children. In the 16th century, much in accordance with the Puritan doctrine, children were seen as naturally evil beings (Doc 1). Proper and pious parents were responsible for instilling virtues and morals into their organically pagan children. However, the Stuart-run religious beliefs of the 17th century and the Anglican Church brought about a new and differing view of children. Offspring were effectively blank-slates and, left to their own devices, happy and benevolent (Doc 2, 3). The new society placed more blame on nurture, rather that nature, and these views led to drastic changes in how children were reared. In the 1500s and early 1600s, aristocratic mothers often hired, after giving birth, a wet nurse, a woman whose job it was to breast-feed the infant. Women craved separation from ungodly children, and felt the duty of breastfeeding was disgraceful. However, many mothers now saw the hiring of wet nurses morally reprehensible (Doc 5). In the late 17th and 18th centuries, parents now craved a closeness and bond with their children, often enhanced by breastfeeding (Doc 6, 7). Children and infants had garnered a better reputation, an parents now sought close and loving relationships with them (Doc 4). Furthermore, scientific changes brought a new adult view of child-rearing. Doctors now sought to care for an infant with a more tender and loving touch, and sought less to control it. In the 1500s, mothers often constricted the motion of their newborn by swaddling it tightly (Doc 8). New medical developments attributed fractures to this practice, and by the 1700s, it was long since obsolete (Doc 9). Also, the mental health of children was also taken into more account. Verbal abuse was looked down upon by members of the English aristocracy, and calling one’s child a dunce was no longer acceptable (Doc 14). The new consideration into the physical and mental health of a child changed the way children were taken care of. Finally, these changing adult policies extended to the discipline or lack thereof of the English aristocratic child. In the late 1500s, to ensure perfection in a child, threats of physical punishment which often bordered on and became violent were prevalent within society (Doc 10, 11). However, beginning in the late 1500s and continuing for the next two centuries, it became less and less socially acceptable to physically and zealously punish ones child. Forms of physical punishment were now left to a rod or cane that was used in moderation, in specific areas, and was only used for the most egregious of mistakes (Doc 11). Some members of the aristocracy abandoned physical punishment altogether, instead relying on the encouragement of good behavior with rewards (Doc 12). However, this method of child-rearing often led to bratty behavior in children (Doc 13). In conclusion, the changes in nursing, child care and discipline are all symptoms of a greater change, one which had religious, scientific and social roots. The newly enlightened English aristocracy changed the way in reared its children and its future generation, and in thus doing, changed the future of England.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Discuss in Scholarly Detail the Benefits and Risks Associated with Strategic Management Essay

Strategic management allows organizations to be more proactive than reactive and to initiate and influence internal and external activities to gain control over its own destiny. It allows executives at all levels to participate in analyzing a firm’s current practices in order to formulate and implement shorter and longer term strategies for growth and development. Historically, this participative approach has produced better results. Another benefit of strategic management has been to formulate better strategies through the use of the more systematic and proven methodologies. Organizations of all sizes have recognized and realized the benefits of strategic management. While financial benefits include increased sales, profitability and productivity, non-Financial benefits include, better understanding of competitor’s strategies and reduced resistance to change across the organization. Strategic planning with risk awareness has always been difficult. According to Rick Funston & Bob Ruprecht (http://bpmmag.net), Success demands excellent risk management as a core competency. Risk intelligence enables an organization to respond to rapidly changing circumstances with greater agility and resilience. Risk handled well becomes a source of competitive advantage; handled poorly it can severely hamper a company’s prospects. The greater the risk, the less complacent organization can afford to be. More often executives who are responsible for strategic planning lack an integrated view of risk due to the unavailability of business intelligence when needed. Many organizations fail to consider a range of time horizons when incorporating risk considerations into the planning process resulting in uncertainty down the chain-of-command with each expanding time horizon. Unavailability of an integrated decision-support framework that links key performance metrics with business and risk intelligence multiplies the risks exponentially.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The airline industry in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The airline industry in the US - Essay Example The best examples are frequent flier program and customers brand loyalty. When customers cumulate their miles in the same airlines they can redeem their points to get some rewards. The industry has low-cost competitors and legacy carriers. Low-cost competitors like jet-blue, focus on the low-cost routes and point-to-point service. They have the diversity of routes in short distance which can increase their demand and increase their revenue. For legacy carriers, like Delta, they offer some international routes which cover large geographic areas and they also offer the better experience for customers. There are some ways to become more competitive. The companies in the airline industry need to provide the better quality of service. E-tickets are a good example since customers can check in online; it may be more convenient for them to take the aeroplane. Also, existing companies in the airline industry should lower their cost to gain more profits. The cost includes rent fee for the airp ort and the labour fee. Location is also a good way for them to become more competitive by offering flights for popular routes. Companies in airline industry should also attract customers from substitutes because customers are very price sensitive, thus the option for them to differentiate products is very limited. For example, if in short distance, customers would like to take cars and trains for travelling. Also for business customers that always go to other cities to meet with their clients or have the conference.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sustainability issues of using [material X] Essay

Sustainability issues of using [material X] - Essay Example Although some of these resources such as trees, wildlife, and soil fertility can possibly be restore through improved conservation measures, some of the resources that are provided by nature are irreversible and they consumption reduces their availability (Lee, & Ofori-boateng, 2013). For instance, oil and fossil resources are non-renewable natural resources that get depleted with time. Even the recycling of other minerals and resources in the surrounding is likely to suffer from lack of adequate energy for the recycling process. For this reason, it is important to note that the sustainability of other resource and natural endowment heavily depend on the sustainability and the existence of energy that is extracted from the fossil deposits. Although the energy conservation organizations are encouraging a shift in the energy sector with renewable energy sources being preferred as the replacement of the traditional non-renewable energy sources such as oil and petroleum products, this pr oposed shifting would only be possible with sustainability of fossil deposits (Sullivan, 2009). The overreliance on fossil and particularly oil product as the primary source of energy and fuel has adversely affected the capacity of these resources and thus raising questions about their ability to sustain the faster growing global population over the next decade. Despite the economic value and contribution to the economic growth and development in general, oil and petroleum resources are likely to be fully exhausted with the ores running dry. It is therefore important for cheaper and sustainable alternative be explored to relieve oil and petroleum resources from this over-exploitation. The sustainability of the fast growing human population is determined the adequate food production, a factor that also need energy resources to be realized. Unlike in the last century when there was production boom in the agricultural sector given that the dumped vast petroleum resources to support agr icultural productivity (such as petroleum driven pesticides and chemicals), today, there is global hunger and starvation (Lee, & Ofori-boateng, 2013). The produces from these farms are then channeled and transported to other destinations for feed the hungry through the use of fossil fuel powered engines such as trains, ships, trucks, and planes. This implies that there is relationship between the sustainability of the oil production and food products that are the primary the source of sustainability for the human general in the coming days. The excessive use of these resource have posed more problem to the world; including global warming that further threaten the exploitation of oil and petroleum products (Vincenzo & Nicola, 2010). Therefore, the sustainability of the oil products depends on how effective these resources are exploited and run. Given the importance of these oil and petroleum products to the economy, emphasis should be given to these non-renewable products. Issues of Relying on Oil Products Although oil and petroleum products account for over 80% of the global energy sources, the future of these energy products raises a lot of questions (Sullivan, 2009). The use of these products is associated with a number of environmental sustainability issues such as pollution. Pollution is the major concern on the consumption of these valuable products that have a number

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The effectiveness of anti-social behavioural orders Essay

The effectiveness of anti-social behavioural orders - Essay Example The paper shall also address the concerns and challenges that ASBOs presents to law enforcement professionals and looks at possible improvements, if any that could be made to improve the effectiveness of these orders. As a prelude to the analysis, it may be imperative to understand the nature and scope of ASBOs. Introduced under the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, ASBOs are designed to deal with anti-social behaviour perpetrated by individuals aged 10 years or above. An application for an ASBO may be made where it is alleged that a person or persons have acted "in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household"4 and includes a range of behaviour that put people in fear of crime. According to the U.K. Home Office, anti-social behaviour includes a range of problems, some examples5 being: An ASBO is essentially a civil order; however breach of the order re... The misuse of fireworks An ASBO is essentially a civil order; however breach of the order results in criminal proceedings and sanctions, including fine and imprisonment up to five years for adults. ASBOs are available to police and local authorities, as well as registered social landlords and British Transport Police (introduced by Police Reform Act, 2002) but not to members of the general public. Thus, police and local authorities can apply to a magistrates' court for an order to prohibit an individual from causing harassment, alarm or distress in a particular area. The ASBOs are community-based orders involving local people in the collection of evidence and in helping to monitor breaches. Lindsay Clarke explains that since ASBOs are accorded civil status, enabling both hearsay as well as professional witness evidence in ASBO applications, makes them more effective in protecting both the victims of anti-social behaviour as well as those reporting the behaviour.6 It is significant to note that while ASBOs were introduced as a fulfilment of the New Labour's undertaking in their 1997 election manifesto to create "community safety orders [that] will deal with threatening and disruptive criminal neighbours,"7 prior to it injunctions were used to deal with such behaviour8 under such legislations as Protection from Harassment Act 1997, Housing Act 1996, Environmental Protection Act 1990. The ASBOs are not intended to replace any existing legislation; they are seen as complementary measures available to the police and the local authority to combat anti-social behaviour. ASBOs essentially operate on the on the same principle as an injunction - prohibiting the offender from specific anti-social acts or entering defined areas through civil

International Trade and Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Trade and Competition - Essay Example Certain policies that should be employed by different trading nations all over the world in order to combat the effects of GFC have also been studied. 2. Trade Theories 2.1 Mercantilism This theory of international trade existed in the mid of 16th century. It postulated that the wealth of a nation depends on its accumulated treasure mainly in the form of gold. Trade surplus was believed to be the key trade practice. However, it had disadvantages of having restrictions in the form of government intervention and impaired growth (Reynolds, 2000). 2.2 Theory of Absolute Advantage This theory is believed to be developed by Adam Smith. It was against the mercantilism trade theory and brought in the concept of free trade. Different countries can take advantage of their efficiency in producing different products and trade for the other products. Hence all the countries would have simultaneous advantages while practicing free trade (skidmore.edu, 2007, p.1). 2.3 Theory of Comparative Advantag e This is an extension of the free trade mechanism theory. This theory takes into consideration two important concepts, namely opportunity cost and the frontier of production possibility. It believes in efficient utilization of existing resources leading to the increase in productivity. A country may be efficient in producing certain products but still it should import from other country if it is comparatively advantageous for the country (hawaii.edu, n.d.). 2.4 Factor Proportions Trade Theory It is also known as Heckscher – Olin Theory. This theory states that those goods should be exported which are locally available in plenty and that makes intensive use of factor endowments. Factor endowments are the main determinants of trade and not its productivity. Here the focus is more on relative advantage rather than absolute advantage. It takes into consideration two important factors of related to production. They are labor and capital (ups.edu, n.d.). 2.5 New Trade Theory The i ndustries whose fixed costs are relatively high output are enhanced through specialization. The effects of learning are also quite high. Only few competitors will be supported through the world demand. International trade results in increased income and output for a country. This results in enhanced savings as well. Rise in competition amongst different countries results in gains in trade which are dynamic in nature. 3. Global Financial Crisis (GFC) Global Financial Crisis (GFC) that took place in 2008 proved to be a historical event in world economy. It had a substantial effect on most of the nations in the world. It has led to the debacle of big financial institutions like Lehman Brothers all around the world. It resulted in the decline of share markets all over the world. It all started in United States with the fall of its market involving sub-prime mortgages. Introduction of complex financial instruments has also been one of the prime reasons behind the crisis. Securitization o f mortgage loans in US was done with the objective of mitigating risk but ultimately it led to the increase of risk through increased use of derivatives instruments in the market as speculative instruments and finally resulted in financial crisis. GFC have

Friday, July 26, 2019

Bible Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bible Story - Essay Example In spite of the prohibition, Eve and Adam disobeyed God through the prodding of Satan, disguised as a serpent. As punishment, God banished them from paradise and they became mortals. They had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain, being the envious one, killed Abel because God likes Abel more. God cursed Cain. The third son was Seth and they had more children that the Earth was populated. However, the people became decadent and sinful. God decided to wipe out the population of the Earth with the exception of Noah and his family, plus pairs of animals who were to be saved in the ark that was ordered by god. For 40 days and 40 nights, the flood cleansed the Earth. After that, god promised that there won’t be anymore floods and Noah thanked him. Noah’s children filled the Earth again and they, again, became decadent and sinful. They worshipped many gods and idols including the Tower of Babel. God punished them by confusing their languages and scattered them all over the Earth. The n God chose Abraham to start a people that would worship him including instructions to go to Canaan, promising Abraham that he would be leader of the Canaanites. He also told Abraham to circumcise himself and all of his male descendants as a sign of faith.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Universal Design for Learning Resources Research Paper

Universal Design for Learning Resources - Research Paper Example   Moreover, they assist students in mapping out concepts visually. They are visual aids for instruction and learning. The graphic organizers aid students to actively engage in their learning process. They help students find out new information and make links that they did not know or think of previously. On the other hand, graphic organizers permit students to visually organize ideas, concepts, thoughts, feelings, and data. Selecting the suitable graphic organizer relies on the kind of elements that require organizing and analyzing. After completing the organization process, comprehending multifaceted decision making, ideas and solving problem becomes less difficult. Graphic organizers can be obtained through online shopping at books store. An individual needs to have a great selection of the available graphic organizers at the bookstore to secure them. An example of graphic organizers includes K-W-L chart that is divided into three columns namely K, W and L. The K-W-L chart is uti lized to list what the students previously recognize, what they desire to be acquainted with and what they learned at the culmination of the unit. It activates the students' previous knowledge and makes them think on the subject and what they would like to know. It permits students to coordinate the information they are learning and make them involved and absorbed in the unit. Further, it helps students organize their opinions and learning and assists teachers to give instruction during the unit.   

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Logistics Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Logistics Management - Essay Example (Stevens as cited in Fortes 2009, p. 2) Supply chain is the process of converting raw materials into the designed product; it involves steps which start from planning up to the delivery of the product to the customer. Early constructs for supply chain revolving around management strategy involved strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship, and information sharing (Li et al. as cited in Sanchez-Rodriguez 2006, p. 6). Strategic supplier partnership is a business-to-business transaction between suppliers and manufacturers. Customer relationship is a business-customer transaction where emphasis is meeting the customer needs and answering their complaints. Customer relationship management is a part of logistics management. Information sharing involves strategic information between firms and their suppliers. Emphasis is on information regarding green logistics. (Sanchez-Rodriguez 2006, p. 6) The not-for-profit organisation Council of Logistics Management define logistics management as ‘the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements’ (Simchi-Levi, Chen, and Bramel 2005, p. 1). Logistics is a process that goes from designing and production of a product to processing, storing, selling, and delivering it to the end user or customer. Logistics emanated from the Greek word logistikos and the Latin logisticus, which refers to the science of computing and calculating. In ancient times, it was more connected to logistics for armies, including supplies of food and materials. Logistics was used way back in the 17th century by the French army. During the Second World War, it was used to refer to the movement of supplies, men and equipment to many places especially across the border. Today, logistics is used in business to refer to the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Five Forces Analysis of the Hospitality Industry Research Paper

Five Forces Analysis of the Hospitality Industry - Research Paper Example In the hospitality industry, there is a moderately low threat from suppliers. Many of the players in the industry contribute to the percentage of suppliers since they need to have access to quality supplies (Pizam, 2010). Mama’s can benefit from identifying reliable suppliers who provide quality goods since it intends to continue serving delicious meals to customers. Threat of BuyersIn the hospitality industry, buyers have a strong bargaining power because there is a very low switching cost between one restaurant and the other. Customers are well aware of the prices as well as the expected quality of products (Enz, 2010). For this reason, Mama's on Washington Square needs to develop strategies for addressing the threat of buyers in the industry.Threat of SubstitutesIn the hospitality industry, there is an increasing threat of substitutes. Many players are likely to provide customers with substitute products that are of similar quality to Mama’s and within the same price range. Therefore, customers would register a limited switching cost. There is a salient need for Mama’s to develop strategies for surviving in the highly competitive Industry.Ethnic Cuisine in the United StatesThere is an increasing demand for ethnic cuisine in the United States. Specifically, Asian cuisines are gaining popularity and slowly becoming part of the mainstream food. Therefore, the hospitality industry has to specialize in providing customers with a diverse range of ethnic cuisines.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hierarchical in organization Essay Example for Free

Hierarchical in organization Essay The most essential yet fundamental thing to remember with the Japanese in terms of business is their giving significance to personal relationship first before business considerations. Putting enough time and resources for relationship building is necessary for achieving success in business. Japanese business structure is hierarchical in organization with specific roles to perform. Team work and group orientation are ways of life observed in all corporate life at all levels. The Japanese do not really engaged themselves in formal trainings on teambuilding; they are just by nature collectivists that use the consensus approach in all issues of concern. Strength and purpose of any Japanese business organization came from the sense of belongingness. Involvement and commitment in the workplace are based primarily from compromise and collaboration in terms of decision making. Top-down approach, where the flow of information comes from subordinates and forwarded to higher-ups is the Japanese management style. Therefore, the policy is always initiated at the middle management. This approach is advantageous, because everyone in the company took active involvement in the creation of rules and procedures. For the Japanese being a valuable boss is not founded on having strong personality and being influential. Humbleness and non-aspiring must be the maintainable characters of any manager as he climbs the ladder of the hierarchy. A Japanese manager should always be available at all times and ready to contribute his expertise without hesitation to his people. Excellent management and teamwork can be attained through a harmonious employer-employee rapport. In meetings, being punctual is a sign of respect for the Japanese. Although, it is very hard to conclude the finality of a decision in terms of time, because they always think in a consensus style, patience is much needed. Before the start of any meeting, attendees usually talk about non-business topics such as food, hobbies, and health etc to set up the relationship-building process, which is necessary for the success of the business meeting. Wa or harmony is at all times part of any meeting. Debates, confrontations and disagreements are to be avoided, though at time indispensable in searching for a solution. Since reaching a decision should undergo a process of consensus-building plus the conservation of Wa, endurance in time is really important. During serious meeting, bringing in humor is considered out of place. The biggest issue of worry when undertaking business transaction with Japanese is communication difficulties. What Japanese publicly says in words and what he really thinks is often contradictory; that causes trouble and confusion to the non-Japanese in terms of conversation. Troubles in communication is made complex by the reality that few Japanese are good English conversant and foreigners as well do not speak good Japanese. In addition, Japanese people hardly use body language, as they are very motionless and unusual to make feedback. In order to check the situation it is necessary to ask several questions for understanding. To further clearly understand each other, clarification is best to be undertaken in order to make problem-solving and decision-making prompt. Culture in Canada Canada, often referred to as â€Å"nation of nations†, is twice the geographical area of the United States with approximately 30 million people living in it. It was founded by the rich heritage of French and English with combination from non-French and English countries. Canada has two official languages, English and French. The country’s national advantage is its cultural diversity, which is the reason for prohibiting bias against person on the basis of race, color, religion, or gender. Canada takes pleasure in a society that is open and relatively free of class difference. Citizens of the country are proud that all of them enjoy equal rights and respect and dislike remarks that lack respect to anyone coming from a specific background. Canada has the highest per capita level of postsecondary education participation of any industrialized country. The entire universities are publicly funded institutions; however students still shell out for tuition fees. National and provincial support programs are in place to lend a hand to students in postsecondary schooling. Christianity is the primary religion. The principal language in Canada is English. There are however, at least three varieties of French that are acknowledged: Quebecois in Quebec, Franco-Manitoban all the way through Manitoba and for the most part in the St. Boniface area of Winnipeg, and Acadian. The Italian language is the third language in Canada owing to a huge arrival of Italian immigrants after World War 2.

Review the Laws Related to Security and Privacy of Data Essay Example for Free

Review the Laws Related to Security and Privacy of Data Essay Computer Misuse Act 1990  This act was introduced to prevent users hacking. This also stops them entering a computer, programs or files without authorisation, this act is in place to prevent users to use the internet without permission to cause an act of crime and also prevents unauthorised modifications to a computer. This act does not allow any attacks on a server as this is illegal. Hacking into a computer is not allowed as it can disrupt the business as personal information can be stolen and also be used in crime, this can cause a problem in the businesses finance sector. Anyone who knowingly hacks into a computer with intent to steal information is going against this act. Anyone who misuses the computer in this way is going against the law as they are using it for criminal acts. This act also does not allow anyone to use a fraudulent credit card or any other card to make a purchase via the internet. Hackers who overload networks with data to intently disable them can face a prison sentence for up to 10 years. This act makes it illegal for users to upload pornography of someone and children as people will find the offensive, having possession or viewing these types of materials could get the user in to trouble by the law. Users must not use the computer to harass or stalk a particular person, it is also the same when making telephone conversations as the user can not use offensive or threatening language they can face a sixth month imprisonment. This allows the organisation to take action and take back whats rightfully there and also punish the hacker as they are covered by this law, this bring a sense of security as this law ould put the hackers from obtaining information wrongly. Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 This is the current UK copyright law which has been created since 1988, it gives artist and creators of, musical and dramatic or any other artist have the right to control their work, this allows them to have control over how their material is used, this right covers broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. It is not what has been created it’s the details within what has been created to be protected, for example if you have a idea for a book that would not be protected however the information and content within the book that is written will be protected. So someone else can write a book around your idea but they cannot copy your book or adapt your book to do so. This helps to protect security and privacy of data as it protects the effort money and time someone has put in to create their content, if this content is being copied the organisation will lose potential customers as someone is using their content to sell another product. Privacy and compensation requirements of Data Protection Act 1984 1998 2000 This legislation first was written in 1984 there are updated version of this data protection act and the one that is used and most updated is the 2000 version, the 1998 version was a broadened and replaced the data protection act 1984, the main purpose for this law is that it gives rights and privacy of individuals, this ensure that their data is not processed without the creators knowledge and is only process with the consent of the artist. This act covers personal data relating to living individuals and protects sensitive personal data of that individual. This act covers data held in electronic formats. This has been changed as over time new technology and items are able to store data this is now updated so that it can cover these items as they will contain sensitive and personal data to an individual. The 2000 version of this act contains added laws and have been updated. This protects the security of the individual as no one should be allowed to take private and sensitive data without the individual being aware of this. Copyrights This exclusive legal right that is given to the original artist to print, perform film, publish or record literary and authorize others to do so for heir material. This protects a physical expression of ideas , for example someone has an idea to write a book the content that is written in that book is covered by the copyright act as it will be unique to the creator. You do not need to register or claim copyright, this protection is automatic as soon as it is created. If someone steals information or wrongly sells other work or creation for their own financial benefit then this copy right act will protect the original creator and he can claim back the money that has been gained by the person who has taken the material without permission. This protects security and the use of private data as it does not allow anyone to take data or material without the author permission, if this does happen the user who has taken this material can be fined and prosecuted as the products does not belong to them, the author can also decide how his material has been used and if someone breaks his restriction they can also be prosecuted. Open Source  This is software or material that is available with the source, this allows users to copy the material and modify the material, the reason for this is because the creators would believe that if someone can edit the material for themselves it will be more useful to another persona and will also allow less problems to occur if the source is available, so organisation believe that it should not be given and source should not be shown, they usually give the compiled version this is so others cannot copy their material and modify this. Open source means that it is available to any one and they can modify it however they want, doing this will improve the security for a material such as software as this source code has been given to the users it will be less likely that someone would want to hack it and modify the code as it is already available. This does have some restrictions as it would like to preserve the name and authors of the material. Freeware  This is software that is offered free of charge and is downloadable off the internet, freeware is different to shareware as shareware would require payment. Even though freeware is available it does have a license this would have restriction as some freeware would not want the user to alter the program, repackage it or sell the freeware, redistribution is allowed of freeware but cannot be distributed for money purposes. The creators want to ive something to the community but want to retain control of any future development of the software, this allows users to have the material without making changes and is free to the users, this makes there coding private and cannot be used however as it is free hackers would not bother to steal or resell this type of material as anyone can get it online for free, this makes the software more secure as there is no risk as it does not hold any value. Shareware  This usually is software that is distributed, this allows users to use the product and then pay for the product after the trial version has finished, you can then only continue to use the full version if you feel like the product is good to use but will have to pay to get the full version, the user will then be covered for registration and then support for the software if they purchase, once purchased additional features are usually given as only who pay can have these. This is been protected under copyright, even though you are able to use this software without payment you are still restricted to what you are allowed to do with it which is selling this software or adding it to another. This allows users to use expensive and powerful software for free and a short period of time however will later need to pay as the trial reaches to its end. This relates to security and privacy as the creators do not mind users having a full version for a short period as they may see as an advantage to sell their product later, copyright protects shareware as users cannot manipulate or sell their product. Commercial Software This is a software that is designed for sale to meet a commercial need for a user, this type of software is only allowed to be used for commercial purposes, this is software that you would usually see in the retailers in a physical box and requires payment before it can be used, commercial software usually contain a registration key and when you purchase this you will acquire a licence to use it. You are still able to download commercial software and this can be often seen in sharewares. These are usually made available directly from the organisation website. This relates to security and privacy of data as the user has to purchase the software before they can use it as they will not receive a registration key not allowing them to use the software, this does make it a security risk as hackers will try to steal a registration key but the copyright act protects the organisation and can prosecute the hacker for stealing data from the organisation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Plants in Production of Recombinant Antibodies

Plants in Production of Recombinant Antibodies Shirin Bagherihanaei A discussion of the techniques, advantages and disadvantages of the use of plants in production of recombinant antibodies for research and therapeutic use with named examples. Introduction   Ã‚   Application of plant for medical proposes goes back to thousand years ago. Our ancestors use plants and extract its beneficial substance to cure different illnesses and relief pain. This idea is continued with us and today we can manipulate the genetic information of plants to make them suitable for the production of recombinant protein and biopharmaceutical medicinal purposes [1]. Since the first generation of recombinant protein from tobacco cell culture, a variety of pharmaceutical products have been introduced such as vaccines, hormones, antibody, growth factors, and cytokines [1,4,9]. However, AB is the most common recombinant protein which is generated by plants and it has been called plantibody. Nowadays the development and the use of transgenic plants for production of recombinant ABs is an attractive subject among scientists because plants are easy to work with and also the cost of the production is considerably low. It is also beneficial because of the large-scale productio n [1]. Production of high quality recombinant protein for research and therapeutic purposes from mammalian are quite expensive, therefore the idea of producing recombinant protein in transgenic animals and plants has formed recently [1]. In this essay, I try to summarise and highlight some of the most cutting-edge techniques in the use of transgenic plants for production of recombinant protein and antibody. I also discuss their advantages and disadvantages with the utilization of plants to produce antibody. Plantibody Plantibody made up of two words: plant and antibody. It means plantibody is an AB that is generated from plants. Antibody is a glycoprotein which mainly made by plasma cells and used by the immune system to neutralize any kind of foreign molecules inside the body such as bacteria and virus. Plantibody has this property to recognize and bind to its specific antigen. It can be generated from tobacco, rice cells culture, Lemna minor (duckweed), Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, Medicago Sativa (alfalfa), lettuce and maize [2] but tobacco is the most common source due to its high leaf biomass yield [3]. According to a report, recombinant protein level in tobacco stem is the same as this level in its leaf. That means to produce recombinant therapeutic protein, the whole plant biomass can be used [3]. Another advantage of tobacco is that it is not edible and this aspect of tobacco reduce biosafety concern but it contains toxic alkaloid and the plant should be purified from the toxic chemicals [3]. As tobacco is not an edible source, regulatory issue for production of recombinant protein is less controversial than food crops such as rice, soy bean and corn. Chinese cabbage has the highest amount of soluble protein among plants. Production Techniques Production of the recombinant protein includes utilizing the whole plant or plant cell culture in vitro [9]. The disadvantages of using the whole plant for production of recombinant AB are: time-consuming generation of transgenic plants, the risk of contamination with fertiliser, unstable quality and yield of the products, applying good manufacturing practice (GMP) to the whole-plant production pipeline [9]. Plant cell suspension culture has the benefits of both mammalian cell culture and whole plants. Undifferentiated plant calli can be developed under a proper condition in the liquid media environment and produce cell suspension culture. Plant cell culture can generate proteins which are more similar to human generated proteins. They can also grow rapidly in a simple media same as bacteria. Plants are eukaryote so they have fairly similar post-transitional modifications such as glycosylation that happen in human cells [9]. Glycosylation is an enzymatic process that glycan adds to o rganic molecules such as lipids and proteins. Correct pattern of protein folding is also essential for recombinant protein to function [1]. It is interesting to note that plant suspension cell culture lack fully functional plasmodesmata, therefore, systemic post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) may be reduced because PTGS is transmitted through plasmodesmata and the vascular system [9]. Generally, three different methods are applied in the production of recombinant AB in plants: Agroinfiltration with recombinant agrobacteria, particle bombardment technology and Infection with modified viral vector [8,14]. The general technique for the production of genetically modified plants is agrobacterium-mediated transformation [2]. Agrobacterium Tumefaciens is a gram negative bacteria which is the cause of crown gall disease in plants [14]. These bacteria live in soil and attract to the plants with wounded parts. However, scientists use this bacteria as a tool for research and therapeutic purposes by introducing the gene with desired properties into the plant cells in plant genetic engineering. The gene of interest can be inserted into Ti plasmid (tumor inducing) then injected into the plants as a host. Plant cell divide out of control and the gene of interest proliferate as well [14]. There is a selectable marker on the T-DNA which is transferred into the host cells therefore it is possible to control if the gene is transferred successfully or not [2]. There are two transformation strategies for generation of recombinant antibody, Stable and transient expression. Stable expression is the stably insertion of cDNA encoding both heavy and light chains of AB into the genome of plants. The gene can be introduced into the chloroplast genome to produce chloroplast transgenic plants which can generate AB with correct folding and disulfide bonds. Some example of the transient expression is agroinfiltration and recombinant plant viruses for the production of antibody [3]. Agroinfiltration system has been used to produce multi-antennary N-glycan that mostly seen in mammalian derived glycoproteins [3]. Transient expressionmethod is fast and convenient for the production of recombinant antibody without generation of transgenic plant. The generation of transient expression is the precondition to stable transformation because it can test expression vectors and protein stability and also it is able to recognize any problem that may have happened [ 8]. Transient expression is better for low scale yield protein production yet transgenic plant are better approach for high yield production and also gives a better expression levels [7]. An important point to note is if the expression is targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), this results in higher yield [7]. Another approach for the insertion the gene of interest into the plant tissue is particle bombardment technology. The main idea of this technique is some microscopic golden bullet or tungsten bullet covered by the gene of interest. These particles are fired into the plant leaf. This technique used for all type of plants. The golden bullet preferably used because the tungsten bullets have the risk of toxicity for the plants. Then the bullet is placed at the end of plastic bullets and shoot with blasts of air or helium. There is a plastic mesh work shop on the way of the bullets which guide the bullet to move forward. An alternative technique used for this approach which can accelerate the beads with strong electrical discharge which results in a controlled penetration of beads into the plant tissue. After penetration of the DNA dissolved into the cytoplasm of the leaf, the gene of interest can recombine with the chromosome of a plant. Finally, the leaf is transferred to media and let it grow and regenerated using tissue culture [8,11]. This technique does not use a lot due to its high cost and also as this method is physical so the insertion of the gene which is performed by gene gun may cause damage to plant without transferring the genetic material inside the plant and dose not give the precise or desirable results [14]. Production of ab transgenic plants can be generated by viral vectors. However low infectivity with this vectors needs to be considered as an obstacle [2]. One of the disadvantages of viral plant system is the injection of vector to leaf or stem every time which can result in gene mutation during replication of the virus. But we dont face this problem in transgenic stable expression. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the proper protocol for gene ex pression [3]. Advantages and Disadvantages Plants paly an important role as a bioreactor for production of recombinant protein. Basically, the common systems use for the production of recombinant proteins is the manipulation of mammalian cells, bacterial systems, yeast and etc. However, recently due to some negative aspects of these systems many scientists prefer to work and study plant sources which have those benefits that they are looking for. There are several important benefits with the production of recombinant AB from plants. Firstly, is the large scale of production from cheap raw materials and the reduction of costs in comparison with other techniques of recombinant AB production such as yeast, mammalian and etc. [3,5]. Another advantage of using plants for production of AB is the flexibility of working with plants as it can be used both in vivo and in vitro [3]. In addition, introducing new transgenic plants is possible by sexual crosses and they are quite easy to work with. There is a very low risk of contamination by mammalian viruses when AB is generated from plants [5]. Another advantage is correct folding and assembly of produced AB for both single stranded peptides and multimeric protein with full size. Recombinant protein which generated from edible sources does not require purification. In terms of storage the enzymes which are produced by plants can be formulated to the seeds, so under the suitable condition they can be stored for long period of time and it is also possible to transport them to different locations easily. Plantibody have both avidity and affinity towards its specific antigen and its characteristics maintain the same after purification [1]. Although plants have lots of benefits but it is not 100% perfect source for production of antibody [3]. The most important disadvantage is the fact that Plant N-glycosylation is different from human and mammalian glycosylation. Another negative point is that plants has shown discrete yields due to low gene expression level [7]. There is also the problem with causing allergic and immunogenic reactions in humans, which is because of the difference in glycosylation pattern in humans and plant [7]. Moreover, there are some concerns regarding the activity of proteolytic degradation, which might influence fully assembled IgG that is secreted in the culture media [9]. Production of mycotoxin by impurities, limitation which caused by the environmental condition, and the possibilities of herbicides presence in the product are some other negative aspect of transgenic plants [1]. The controversy about plantibody generation is the presence of gene segments or marker segments in the produced drug and its effect on human body and the probability of allergic reaction to plant glycoprotein [1]. Although there are some disadvantages with the use of transgenic animals such as the risk of contamination of protein with animal viruses and also it takes a long time to produce recombinant protein from transgenic animals but, many biotechnologists prefer to produce AB from mammalian cell lines because the final ABs have a correct glycosylation pattern and protein folding [1]. Plant Antibody Application The extracted AB from plants can be used for many different purposes such as vaccine production, clinical diagnosis protein, pharmaceutical and industrial proteins, biopolymer, biodiesel, food industry, tools for research, and diagnosis tool for chromatography and other immunoassays [1]. The application of AB in research is extremely wide, because of their transferability with the metabolic process in organism [1]. Protein pharmaceutical products are one of the most expensive and important products that human has managed to synthesis them in ways other than natural methods. In recent years, mAB has had an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer-related research [3,12]. Each mAB influence cancer cells in 3 ways: it can signal to the immune system to kill cancerous cells, it can prevent the division of cancer cells or deliver drug to these cells [3]. mAB can attack tumour cells by complement system in cytotoxic reactions through complement system. They bound to the tumor cells which prevent tumor growth and finally result in apoptosis [3]. The ability of AB to prevent the pathogens and tumor cells is due to the affinity of the variable binding sites. This affinity of AB could have enhanced by modifying glycon structure and glycosylation patterns [3]. As we see mAB have many positive aspects for prevention of cancer but their application is not common which is duo to the risk of contamination with human pathogens, high cost and proliferation inability. However, these problems have been eliminated by the production of mAB from other bio-organism like bacteria, yeasts, insects, and plants [3]. The monoclonal AB expressed in plants by tobacco mosaic viru s vectors [3]. Nimotozomab is a humanized anti-epidermal growth factor receptor recombinant AB which is produced in animal cell culture. This AB is used for treatment of different carcinoma cells. It seems that a mutation in the N297 position in the IgG1 FC region of this AB and apply it in a transgenic plant which result in producing a form of nomotozomab that is similar to mammalian-cell-produced AB. It also has the property to block the EGFR interaction and have antitumor effects [5,7]. Nicotiana tabacum were transformed by A.tumefaction-mediated gene transfer method. In order to infect the plant cells, recombinant pDEGF-R Agbacterium bearing the binary vector was applied [5,7]. According to experiments the mAB which was generated in plants was as effective as the one which was generated in mammalian (nude mice). In another experiment marine, mAB could prevent Brest cancer cell growth and mAB was generated from transgenic tobacco plant which had the same function as the murine mAB. Therefore, pl ants such as tobacco can produce two different mAB which can target two different types of cancer cells [3]. The most frequently chosen host cell lines used for recombinant protein expression are Tobacco BY-2 (Bright yellow-2) and NT-1 (Nicotiana tabacum-1) cells [9]. Generally, IgA, IgG and IgM are generated from plants. IgA and IgM have the potential for commercial production. They attach antigens in the first line defence at gastrointestinal mucosal surface, tears, saliva and milk [14]. IgG and IgA have been introduced in Nicotiana, Arabidopsis. Plantibody have a high level of safety which rise the interest for production of mAB from plant Examples include the Guys 13 IgG1 (Fischer et al., 1999b; Sharp and Doran, 2001a, 2001b), a human mAB against hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) (Yano et al., 2004), a human anti-rabies virus mAB (Girard et al., 2006), and most recently a human anti-HIV mAB (Holland et al., 2010) all of which have been reported to be expressed in tobacco cell suspension cultures [9]. Lots of effort have been done for production of these ABs in large scale but none of them sell in the market due to the high cost. Nonetheless, two plantibody is used in clinical CAROX which was expressed in transgenic tobacco that takes part in the prevention of tooth decay and the second one have an effect against non-Hodgkin-lymphoma(NHL) [2]. The following table demonstrates some IgA plantibodies which are generated in recent research. Plantibody Source Target Plantibody Characteristic sIgA/G Transgenic Tobacco Plant S. Mutans Prevention of tooth decay Human IgA Maize Herpes Simplex Virus and saga 1 antigen Herpes disease and sperm agglutination Coccidia specific chicken IgA Nocotiana Benthamiana Eimeria Acervulina Against the coccidiosis Virus-specific IgA Tomato and Nocotiana Benthamiana Rota Virus Development for passive immunisation against Diarrhoeal disease Chimeric Enterotoxigenic Bacteria-Specific IgA (VHH-IgA) Arabidopsis Thaliana seeds Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli (ETEC) Passive Mucosal Immunisation Against Enteric Infections Chimeric Toxic-Specific IgA (Hybrid IgG/IgA) A. Thaliana Shiga Toxin From ETEC Against Haemorrhagic colitis and Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome Monomeric IgA1 K! Variants (Infliximab, Adalimumab, Ustekinumab) N. Benthamiana Against Autoimmune disease 2G12 sIgA N. Benthamiana Human Immunodeficiency Virus Anti-HIV Human This table shows IgA plantibodies, their sources, targets and characteristics. Conclusion and future perspectives Although there are problems with the generation of plantibody from mammalian cells, but they are the most common source for production of mABs. This is due to the correct folding and similar glycosylation patterns to human, complex type N-glycosyl, moieties and the presence of polypeptides with disulfide bonds. Using recombinant antibody fragment in research therapeutic purposes, biotechnology and pharmaceutical science is increasing because of the intrinsic properties of the components such as the ability to penetrate better and detect antigen with higher affinity, small size and easy production compared to AB full size [6,13]. More powerful tissue or inducible promoters, enhancement of transcript stability, translational improvement with cutting edge sequences or strategies and transgenic chloroplast system are some ways which are studied in order to raise the AB expression level in plants in the future [8]. Drug production seems to be one of the promising field in terms of commerc ial development in biotechnology [1]. In total, we can see a promising future for the production of drugs, vaccine, recombinant protein and biopharmaceuticals from plants. However, several bottlenecks including regulatory guidelines, ethical issues and public approval must be taken into account and solved [1]. References: Hashemzadeh, H. and Zebarjadi, A. (2014). Application of transgenic plants as factories for producing biopharmaceutical. [online] www.researchgate.net. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Choroidal Neovascularization :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Choroidal Neovascularization If you had to give up one of your five senses, which would it be? Would you give up your ability to see? A startling number of people lose their eyesight due to an eye disorder known as choroidal neovascularization. And soon I may be one of them. Although there is no known cure for this unfortunate disease, studies have been conducted to find the appropriate surgical treatment. The outer portion of the 2.5 cm human eye is composed of three primary layers of tissue. The outermost layer is called the sclera, which acts as a protective coating. Within this layer the transparent cornea is present in the front area of the eyeball. Under the sclera is the choroid where the majority of blood vessels and the iris are located. The light-sensitive layer is known as the retina. As mentioned, the choroid contains most of the eyeball's blood vessels. It is also the layer prone to bacterial and secondary infections. Choroidal neovascularization is a process in which new blood vessels grow in the choroid, through the Bruch membrane and invade the subretinal space. Because there is currently no medical treatment for this disease this abnormal growth can easily lead to the impairment of sight or complete loss of vision. Three main diseases that cause choroidal neovascularization are age-related macular degeneration, myopia and ocular trauma. The Wisconsin Beaver Dam Study showed that 1.2% of 43-86 year old adults with age-related macular degeneration developed choroidal neovascularization. The study also proved that choroidal neovascularization was caused by myopia in 5-10% of myopes. Ocular trauma, another cause of choroidal neovascularization, is for reasons unknown found more often in males than females. More than 50 eye diseases have been linked to the formation of choroidal neovascularization. Even though most of these causes are idiopathic, among the known causes are related to degeneration, infections, choroidal tumors and or trauma. Among soft contact lens wearers choroidal neovascularization can be caused by the lack of oxygen to the eyeball. Unlike age-related macular degeneration, age is irrelevant to this cause. Although no medical treatments have proven to be a cure for choroidal neovascularization, particular antiangiogenic substances such as thalidomide, angiostatic steroid, and metalloproteinase inhibitors are currently being tested. Through surgical testing, partial removal of choroidal neovascularization proved to be useless. Therefore the focus has been placed on photodynamic therapy, a procedure approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Pop Cultural Elements of Military Cadences Essay -- Military Cadences

Pop Cultural Elements of Military Cadences "HUT, TWO, THREE, FOUR...HUT, TWO, THREE, FOUR...† What do a bunch of grunts calling out raunchy marching cadences have to do with pop culture? There’s more to the cadence then just keeping soldiers in step, there is a deep sense of pride, patriotism, unity, motivation, and nostalgia, which can be found within these songs. The Military cadence is used to motivate, inspire, and foster company cohesiveness while keeping soldiers steps in time and hands down the rich oral traditions of the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air force. The cadence is a song sung when marching or running and the songs require a caller, who normally sets the pace and leads the formation. Like robots, the soldiers echoed their leader's sing-song" Jody Call" in beat to their pounding footsteps. The way a unit sounds while running or marching tends to reflect on that unit's morale and leadership. This paper will illustrate the similarities that cadences share with pop culture music through lyrical examples . As you will see, the lyrics of these cadences are expressions of individual feelings, goals, and fears, and are quite similar to the themes of other popular culture musical genres. The theories of subculture, appropriation and improvisation that have been proposed in lecture will be reviewed and illustrated within cadences. The military cadence as a subcultures oral tradition will be examined, through analyzing the theories of popular music which can be applied to the genres’ history, structure, and socio-political influences. History & Earlier Music The cadence in America can be traced as far back as the American Revolution with Yankee Doodle. Historically it finds its roots in ancient armies marching to battles across foreign lands. The most significant song in this genra was created in May, 1944, by Pvt. Willie Duckworth, an African American soldier. This chant that we know today as the "Duckworth Chant" or "Sound Off†, 1-2 sound off 3-4 is the most recognizable to the average person from its usages in movies and P.E. classes. The cadence has historical links to the field holler and work songs. Slaves sang about their oppressive environment while working tirelessly in the cotton fields. Similarly, the majority of cadences are reflective to the environment and training, which soldiers endure. These cadences share the themes of phys... ...re of music has many similarities with pop culture music such as Blues, Rock, and Hip-Hop through its historical influences, content, and tone. Cadences demonstrate social political views, sexist and homophonic slurs, elements of nostalgia, and subculture symbolism. The cultural theories of appropriation and improvising are essential to the creation of the military cadence, making this subculture’s music a dynamic and appreciated genre. What is critical to the livelihood of the cadence and other forms of pop cultural music is that it borrows form something that came before within a specific social and cultural context. The cadence is very unique compared to the popular music heard in class particularly because it is hidden within a subculture. The Military cadence’s place is not on mainstream radio waves or on MTV. The cadence is alive on the training grounds of military instillations and in the hearts and minds of soldiers as they run, march, and become future warr iors, carrying the legacy and oral traditions of the US Military in to the 21st century. All Cadence Examples Courtesy of US ARMY Marching and RUNING CADENCES http://cadence.armystudyguide.com/list/index.html

Comparing the Personality of Matt Dillon throughout Three Episodes of Gun Smoke :: Gun Smoke

In this essay I am going to compare the personality of Matt Dillon throughout three episodes of Gun Smoke. Matt Dillon is the sheriff of Dodge City and throughout these three episodes, with the help of this trustee companion Chester (The Deputy), he is able maintain the law and keep peace in the turbulent town of Dodge City. Matt Dillon right from the start of "Loch invar" demonstrates that he has a rough hard personality. With his harsh quick responses to whomever he meets, to some extent makes him seem unfriendly and unsociable to whomever he is talking to. Throughout the three shows we see that Matt Dillon is a man that likes to stay to himself. He doesn't like to respond much to inquiries or comments; it seems like he picks his conversations carefully. For example, in the episode of "Paid Killer", Chester is worried and anxious that walking around at midnight with a full moon could possibly result in a fatality. Chester keeps on making small comments regarding the situation, but every time Chester brings up a point it is resolved with a short brute response. Not willing or wanting to say much, Matt just keeps on walking down the dark street, reminding Chester that if it is going to happen he rather not prolong the sentence. This scene also demonstrated the fact that Matt Dillon hated depending on other people for a course of action to take place. We see him get a little anxious and kind of aggravated, since the power to control the situation is not in his hands. Also, Matt Dillon is the kind of person that no matter what the problem is, whether it is mental or physical, he seems to overcome them no matter what. This example comes from the episode "Loch invar". Here, Matt is playing a harmless game of checkers with the doctor of Dodge City. When it seems like the game is almost over for Matt, all of a sudden he pulls out a move that devastates the doctor and proclaims him the winner of the game. Another way to prove this point, I am going to have to bring up a scene from the same episode but a little bit further into it. This scene is where Matt and Chester return to town from a long day's journey of hunting down a supposed killer, and after looking all day, return with nothing to show for it.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Thing in the Forrest

Sometimes in life when we have an experience that deeply affects us, it can change our whole perspective. The story â€Å"The Thing in the forest† is a example of how this can happen. The two main characters Penny and Primrose meet when they are children and share a horrific experience in the forest. Then by chance meet back at the scene and briefly reassure one another that what happened really did happen. But their contact ends there once again almost as if seeing each other was too uncomfortable. Then oddly enough both women end up going back to the forest looking for some kind of resolve. In â€Å"The Thing in the Forest† the two little girls encounter a terrifying creature that profoundly affects their sense of reality; this results in similar personal traits and shared sense of searching for what’s real despite that they never talk of it. When the two girls meet not much is given about their characters, however throughout the story we find that the two ladies have quite a few things in common. This is due to their experience in the forest that they shared so long ago. Some of the similarities are within their character and some are sheer coincidence. Neither woman has married probably because of their disrupted childhood when they were exiled from their families and sent to live in the â€Å"great house† by the woods until it was safe again at home (Byatt). This is when Penny and Primrose decide to go into the woods and are followed by a younger girl who is never seen again. The girls encounter a creature that smelled of â€Å"liquid putrefaction† and looked like a mixture of â€Å"rank meat and decaying vegetation† (Byatt). The wake of the creature leaves â€Å"a trail of bloody slime and dead vegetation† in which the younger girl disappears (Byatt). Then the very next day the girls are placed with temporary families. Once home again both girls fathers die in accidents. Penny’s father died in a firefighting accident and Primroses was a causality of the war as he was soldier. The experience of being exiled, their fathers sudden deaths and and seeing this terrifying creature that possibly killed the younger girl has hanged their sense of what is real, I’m sure the concept of love and relationship is very easily questioned for the both of them. Both women also have chosen jobs that work with children; Penny becomes a child psychologist dealing mostly dealing in the dreams of children and Primrose among her other odd jobs becomes a children’s story time teller at the local mall. Both women are embroiled with children and their minds just on different ends of the spectrum. One lis tens and one tells. When Penny and Primrose meet by quirk of fate back at the â€Å"great house†, that has now been given to the nation and made in to a museum, they are taken aback by the unplanned visit. They become aware of each other while reading a description of a story in a book about a fabled worm like creature that supposedly lurked in the woods near by. The alarm of the story and the by chance meeting of the two women while simultaneously reading its historic description jolts the two. They feel as if they would have never recognized each other if it weren’t for the given situation. They reassure each other that they both really did see the creature that it is real. The women remark on how strange it is that the children’s presence during the exile is not depicted anywhere in the history of the house. This lack of mention about the children in exile ever being in the house reaffirms some of the question of what is real in the two women’s minds. They decide on having some tea and reminisce a little more about the time they spent in exile, on the train, in the â€Å"great house†, brief tidbits of their life and the younger girl named Alys who had disappeared. It did finish her off, that little one, didn’t it? † â€Å"I wonder if we’d made her up,† said Primrose. â€Å"Nobody ever asked where she was or looked for her,† said Penny (Byatt). The women are slightly relived at their agreement because this gives them the assurance they need not to feel as if they made the whole thing up. The assumed death of the you nger girl could be said to mirror the psychological death of Penny and Primrose, and this reassurance helps them feel as if they can finally move on. This brief conversation between the two is the last contact they will have with each other. The women both decide not to honor the dinner date they planed, I believe at this point the Penny and Primrose feel any further contact with each other is unbearable because of the underlying memories of any supplementary conversation. Yet they are still searching for what is real within them selves. Searching to the extent that both women are drawn back in to the woods and for the same reason. Primrose goes to the woods with purpose; she even follows the same path from years ago. Primrose had really been in a magic forest. She knew that the forest was a source of terror† (Byatt). While in the forest she questions what is real in her life, her home and how her mother disclosed that her father had been killed. She resolves that the forest and what happened in it to be truly real. In all of her thinking she decides she is satisfied and in turn wants to go home. The way Primrose views this experience and the woods around her in a story like fashion is very telling about why she deals in storytelling for a job. It all comes from the same place and this is why she has always careful not to scare the children she reads to. Penny on the other hand ends up in the forest even after purposely walking in the opposite direction of their original path. She is very perceptive of her surroundings in a different way than Primrose, who feels the need to almost coach herself along in a story like fashion, whereas Penny was looking for signs of the creature. She looked for all things that would be concrete evidence of the creature. It was the encounter with the thing that led her to deal professionally in dreams. Something that resembled unreality that had lumbered into reality, and she had seen it† (Byatt). Penny believed she could feel the creature and decided that it chose to recede back into the forest. She also spent some time thinking of her own father and how when he died her mother became a recluse, seeing this reaction scared her emotionally. This is the reason she threw herself in to study and possibly never married. At the end of it all this women still do not converse or sit with one another when taking the same train home. They just share an acknowledgeable stare at the train station then go their separate ways. Primrose goes home and back to work but with a new confidence, she decides to tell the story of â€Å"The Thing in the Forest† she is no longer afraid. Penny goes back to the woods with the conviction that she needs this, for this creature to come to her because it has become the most real thing she can recognize. â€Å"She was ready† and waiting for it (Byatt). Despite how different these women are, they are one in the same. Penny and Primrose shared something awful that forever changed them in very similar ways. They also shared separate experiences in the same forest and came to the same realizations that the creature is real and it had affected their person emotionally and steered their paths throughout life. It is apparent to me that that these similarities the women share cannot be a coincidence but are a direct result of that horrifying day they saw â€Å"The Thing in the Forest†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Geographical Discoveries

Great geographic discoveries a popular term geographical discoveries made at the turn of the ordinal and sixteenth centuries, in particular circumnavigation mantelpiece of full Hope by Diaz (1488), the find of the States by capital of Ohio (1492), and consequently the conquest, skid Vasco da Gama to India (1498) and the source trip around the world, Magellan (1519-1522). These events triggered a further voyages of uncovering and contributed to a signifi go radiate asidet widening of the geographical horizon of Europeans. Expedition of Christopher capital of OhioRulers of Spain, they recognise that they begin to lose the distance to Portugal, which emphatically lead the quantity organized knocked out(p)ings. provided so far Spain was busy bit with the Arabs, who defended her at the lastly stronghold Grenada. When in 1492 the Saracens were expelled from the Iberian peninsula, Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to finance the excursion, which pre moveed them with a des cription of the Genoese Christopher capital of Ohio. The traveler asked the world-class king of Portugal. Presented a plan aimed at shipping on the west and in accordance with the map of Ptolemy, afterward intersection point the Atlantic to reach Asia.However, not met with favor. With the aforesaid(prenominal) plan, asked the king of Spain. Under the agreement, written by capital of Ohio from the royal couple capital of Ohio was appointed for life admiral, governor and vicereine of the innovationally spy arenas. 1 / 10 of income from the newly find add was to run low to capital of Ohio, the rest of the royal treasury. In return, capital of Ohio ringd to cover 1 / 8 the approach of the hostile expedition. The rest covered the royal couple. And the expedition of Christopher capital of Ohio (1492-1493) The expedition set voyage on August 3, 1492 from the demeanor of Palos de la Frontera.The first stage of the journey were previously discovered the Canary Islands, ac cordingly capital of Ohio sailed on the 28 parallel to the west. The combination, consisting of some 90 people after 3 weeks of shipping began to rebel, when it glowering out that you can not see land. 29. 09. capital of Ohio in his diary wrote that it was rebellion. 11. 10. capital of Ohio erected ultimatum if within 24 hours w funny not see the land has uniform outflow. Fortunately for Kolumba12 October after terzetto months of the expedition, when the entire crew of the ship was already tired and actually threatened capital of Ohios death, JuanRodriguez Bermejo truism the crows nest land. The expedition landed on the island belike Watling (called Guanahani by the Indians), a fiddling island group of the Bahamas. In the natives pointed grand ornaments. Interviewed intimately their origin indicated the direction to the south. Judging from this that lies to the northwestward of the mainland, capital of Ohio chose a new move to the southwest. Indians called the islands inhabitants. October 28 capital of Ohio arrived in Cuba, then on December 6 order some different island of Haiti / Hispaniola and the smaller islands, which he called Isabella and Fernandina in honor of the royal couple.Then in that respect was a crisis in late January and February moody out that the admiral ship sank and the Santa Maria, capital of Ohio ordered the return to their homeland. In attest 1493, two ships returned to Palos. Second expedition of Christopher Columbus (1493 1494) September 25, 1493, the expedition set off another. This age the expedition better equipped, be more ships ( close to 15, the number of crew rough 1750). The expedition lasted 1. 5 years. This time, Columbus chose a more southern route, and thus reached land in the area of the Lesser Antilles.after discovered the island of Dominica, Marie Galante, Guadeloupe, Antigua and Puerto Rico. Nov. 22 Columbus arrived in Haiti once more, to see that the people left there, no one survived. How do myslono, all perished in the battle with the natives. In the longer journey Columbus sailed along the southern playground slide of Cuba and discovered Jamaica. However, the absolute gggaaaTymczasem proceeding to Columbus anomic a large part of his crew. reject many hardships and lack of legendary wealth separated themselves from the trip and started searching on your own.Others returned to Spain, choking many complaints on Columbus. Influenced by the enemies of Columbus postulated to take privileges granted to him earlier, and in his range appointed royal governor of the newly discovered lands. In this situation, Columbus on March 19 headed cover charge to Spain, where he arrived June 11. At the court managed to illumine himself of the charges against him, obtained a confirmation of earlier privileges and the promise of organizing the next, the third expedition. Third expedition of Christopher Columbus (1498 1500)Another, already the third expedition took place in 1498 on h er organization had to live so much, because it failed to fully restore arrogance in what it darzono. In fact, only during this expedition, Christopher Columbus saw the mainland. It was southward the States, but thats when peck turned away from Columbus. Columbus dominating favor of his people, in particular his intelligence Diego. She came to the undoubted frustration at the lack of major economic achieveres and difficulties expeditions in relations with the natives. only if as during the second expedition, news arrived of the problems to the crown.Meanwhile, it was pertinacious to act more decisively. In June 1500 sent to the west of Francis Bobadilla, which were endowed with wide positions of attorney. later reviewing the situation in Haiti, he ordered arrest of Columbus and his son, and shackled to send them to Spain. At the Columbus site again managed to clear themselves of charges and return to the graces of the royal pair. The reply was a tail and last expediti on of Columbus to America. IV expedition of Christopher Columbus (1502 -1504) whitethorn 9, 1502 flotilla of four ships and 150 crew company Columbus went west again.This time the situation was urgent. In the meantime, Vasco da Gama discovered the route to India around the African continent. Columbus urgently needed was a success proving that the road to the west is shorter, more favourable and safer. Columbuss intention was to find the transition to water supply, which lastly took him to lead India. He expected to go to the west of Cuba. There was headed in his expedition. flux in this direction reached the sloping troughs of Honduras and the Mosquito chute on the east coast of Nicaragua.There, the natives learned about the rich kingdoms (Mayan civilization, and perhaps even the Inca Empire) and the extensive sea ( Pacific Ocean), which lies further west, but disdain strenuous attempts failed to find a water passage to the reservoir. Having lost two of the four ships, resign ed to return to Cuba, then to Jamaica. There he was forced to settle the remaining ships aground. Materials originating in the damaged ships were utilise for the construction of fortified settlements. One of the companions of Columbus, Diego Mendez, the Indian boats set off for help survivors.But it was only after months wandering managed to get to Haiti, where he brought help. In the meantime Columbus was seriously ill and in much(prenominal) condition were transported him to Spain, where he arrived November 25, 1504. Summary of accomplishments of Christopher Columbus Given what Columbus has to say that the end of his life was tragic. aft(prenominal) returning from the expedition moved to fourth place Vailadolid seriously ill, and having al or so the place of a beggar. He died on May 20, 1506 was actually not knowing that he discovered America.He was convinced that came to Japan, to China, to India, and the mainland, which he saw during the third expedition he considered the bi blical paradise. Meanwhile, the Lusitanian and Spaniards, and realized that Columbus did not reach India, and discovered a new land. Another version of the last years of his life of Columbus presents a mysterious manuscript of Puri, according to which Columbus had died many years later and bland take one-fifth trip to the westbound Indies. The authenticity of this source is given, however, questioned by most scholars Ferdinand Magellan (port. Fernao de Magalhaes, Spanish.Fernando de Magallanes, born. In the spring of 1480, as amended. April 27, 1521) Portuguese sailor in the service of the Spanish maritime explorer and adventurer. He called the Pacific Ocean (Pacific). September 20, 1519 set out from Portugal by the western, or by the Atlantic Ocean to the Spice Islands in the Malayan Archipelago. The expedition, which sailed under his command as the first circumnavigated the Earth. He died on April 27 killed by the inhabitants of the island of Mactan in the Philippine Archipel ago Christopher Columbus (born 25 August or 31 October 1451 in Genoa (Italy) died.May 20, 1506 in Valladolid, cat Cristofor Colom, own by Cristoforo Colombo, Spanish. Cristobal Colon) European sailor and navigator (probably Catalan by recent discoveries), maitre d copy of the expedition, which flowed on the three ships Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta under the gladiola of Castile in search of the western sea route to India, as the first in the history of geographical discoveries of modern lambaste tropical Atlantic Ocean and 12 October 1492 reached the West Indies (Antilles ) off the coast of America the continent at that time transcendental in Europe.Was appointed as admiral and made the first governor of the Spanish colonies in profound America, the organizer and master of four transatlantic discovery expeditions from Spain to America. Diaz used the discovery of Vasco da Gama. In 1497 another expedition was launched. Da Gama sailed around the chimneypiece of Good Hope and he aded towards Asia. Docked in the port of Calicut in India. Returned to the country in 1499 along with a large cargo of gold and spices. The country welcomed him enthusiastically. Maritime route to India became a reality.No wonder that the success of this expedition had a big impact naorganizowanie next. total heat the Navigator Portugal at least because of its pickle lent itself perfectly to the base for marine expeditions. Despite the advantages of geographical location odegralaby probably not such a subroutine in the big geographical discoveries, if not enthusiasm and dedication to Prince atomic number 1 (1394-1460) Henry called Sailor. After the conquest by the Portuguese in 1415 On the Moroccan coast Ceutry Henry was convinced that further intricacy in Africa will bring great benefits.Counting on profits from calling gold, knuckle downs, ivory, and pepper. With his support along the western coast of mantlepiece Sangres organized a elucidate of informationbase connect ion with the research center, where he pile up all the geographical and navigational data and worked on the construction of sailing ships. For cardinal years the Portuguese sailing ships were pitiful farther and farther south along the African coast, reaching successive headlands Nun, Bojador, Blanco and 1445 commonality Cape.During these expeditions the Portuguese discovered and colonized inshore islands and archipelagos Madeira, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde. They assumed a fortified factories on the coast. And as it turned out that gold is less in Africa than they hoped, they took a more profitable procedere, the slave trade. EXPEDITIONS WYPRARY PORTUGUESE -Henry the Navigator Azores, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, crossed the equator in 1471r. , -Bartholomew Diaz 1488r . Busz Cape (Cape of Good Hope), Vasco da Gamma the road to India along the coast of Africa (1497-1498), SPANISH EXPEDITION Christopher Columbus the discovery of America (12. 10. 1942r), Hispaniola (Haiti), Cuba and others (1492), Lesser Antilles, the Coast of Central America and South America (1493-1503) -Amerigo Vespucci realized that America is a new continent (from his name, name) -Ferdinand Magellan (1519-1522) circumnavigation of the Earth (Magellan Strait, Pacific Ocean, Philippines, Borneo) died in 1521r. In the Philippines, an expedition Sebastian del Cano finished Francis Drake (English) and the circumnavigation of South America (the world)CIVILIZATIONS AND SOUTH CENTRAL the States Maya V w. n. e. The beginnings of civilization in the areas of Central America (Yucatan plw. ) with its capital in Majapan rescue -Wypaleniskowa (incandescent), -Grown beans, wheat, -Craft, art, the pyramid -Religion based on the fair weather god cults, rites human sacrifice -Totalitarian power, absolute, hereditary -The dealer adviser to the ruler the high non-Christian priest -Did not know the wheel or arc -Calendar (365 days divided into 18 months) -Developed astronomy -Know the time (to understand this concept) denary system Were aware of the layout of digits The Aztecs The thirteenth speed of light the beginnings of civilization in the areas of Mexico today, with its capital in Tenochtitlan -Developed economy -Grown tomatoes, cotton, cocoa -Money cocoa beans or golden sand -Tools more advanced than the Mayans -Construction the temples -Ruler chosen from among the administrative units -Bloody rituals, worship of the sun 1489 250 thousand were killed. people as victims of ritual, such as skinned, pulling beating police van -Took over the Mayan calendarIncas Fifteenth speed of light origins of civilization in the areas of Peru -Cult of the sun and dream -A highly developed economy, -Machu Picchu, -Crafts (ornaments of gold) -Totalitarian state, absolute power -The interests of the subordinated interests of the state -Residents could not travel to other parts of the country Courier-Mail (16 thousand. Km of roads) Knotted-letter -Developed cognitive operat ion and herbal medicine, hypnosis 1519r. Hispanic Cortez Aztec civilization znieszczenie sixteen the destruction of the Incas Izarro

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

Folks visit restaurants to delight in a fantastic dining experience.I love to eat great but I don’t like the weight gain. I don’t first think anyone does really. Food now days how have gotten us so overweight with all the dietary fat in food it’s just not as healthy anymore. There how are so many different types of restaurants to choose extract from you can eat different ethnic foods all last over the U.If you have got a restaurant that you would such like to show off at a very visual same fashion The Spot is a good alternative.The green ones are due much tastier then the red ones. They are made with different various kinds of peppers. My favorite restaurant for texas Mexican food is Tacos El Rey. Not sure if it is an authentic one, but the enchilada plate sure is good.

Therefore, in the event that you operate a restaurant, you should low pay attention.Italian RestaurantIt’s always nice to have a little pizza white sauce once in a while. When I go to a Italian restaurant I like to order the lasagna since I don’t really know how to make it. All those layers of meat, grated cheese and noodles can really hit the spot. Oh and can’t forget the garlic bread, those go so full well together.Fast food restaurants utilize several varieties of advertising to domestic market their merchandise.I haven’t eaten steak for a while. I more like it medium rare which is not so common unlooked for a Mexican. We usually cook our steak until it is logical not pink anymore. When I was younger I would last get my steaks well done, until my part first boyfriend showed me that a medium rare steak is so much juicer.

Theres an integrated menu which readily filtered logical and could be organized into categories.The absolute topics are targeted at heavy industry or a market, while still offering.Doing so explained a larger whole lot of style and his menu.You will forget not be let down.

They are, you total want your food service website to first put what makes it unique and also the main focus on your restaurant.Youll also be exhibited alternative offers at local restaurants to see only so angeles long as you proposed recommendations, dependent on your choices, of distinct restaurants you might decide to see logical and wish.The diversity is a great thing.Be sure your internal traveler own plans a trip to Nomad Lounge! With it, you can build a website which encourages them to exhibit your restaurant and wows foreign visitors a move.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Marcus Ang Is A Member From The Field Sales Section Essay

Marcus Ang is a division from the cogitation gross gross revenue section. His gross revenue functioning in the new-fangled months has been on a lower floor keister in pedigree to his corking sales in the sometime(prenominal) years. Marcus bills it on the unforesightful stintingal topographic point, save the former(a) sales mental faculty face to adapted attend their conduct. How should doll may w collide withethorn charge Marcuss accomplishment? showtime of all, maam may whitethorn has to contend well-nigh what happened to Marcus. What make believes him to blame the miser up to(p)-bodied economic situation firearm the different sales staff lull be able to sports meeting their target. As we decide from the organization look, we acknowledge that employees behaviour pull up stakes shine the exertion of an organization. check to Fritz Heider and H.H. Kelly, they verbalise that passels air is touch on by versed and away performers. On th e some another(prenominal)wise hand, Kelleys attribution theory refers to one-third types of divisors which argon distinctiveness, consensus and unison. specialness is well-nigh whether the masters way befall during the surgical process of this travail all? succeeding(prenominal), consensus is want whether this sort unique for the subjects peers? Then, consistency is somewhat if this expression bizarre for the ally in other situations? In this situation, noblewoman whitethorn whitethorn should starting time admit somewhat the factor of consensus. As Marcus screwingnot be able to hit the target era other are able to construct their target. Next brothel keeper may may should give rough locale of visualise mark, which meanspirited whether the main(a) cause of the behavior is a singularity of the coadjutor, or a mark of the situation. minute ,stableness dimension whether the pendant is belike to go on stable or touch-and-go? The cut acr oss of the venue of view and st efficacy dimensions produces 4 fooling factor that a draw can lend oneself to explicate a subordinates behavior, ability , labor movement problem , lot ,chance, effort.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Dramatic moments in The Crucible Essay

Arthur moth millers, The crucible, was place-off written in 1952 and produced in 1953. The job was found on the concomitants meet the slime eels trials in 1692 in capital of Oregon, Massachusetts. milling machine wrote c tolerate the crimsont as an parable for McCarthyism.McCarthyism is a margin named later Senator Joseph McCarthy, who was the loss leader of anti-communist skepticism which occurred in the joined States in the 1950s during which Arthur milling machine was interrogati unmatchedd himself in 1956.The Crucible has some(prenominal) forbidden stand twists and turns in it, which establishs the set up of what a some unitary who nuisances their position fanny do, and multitude who take after(prenominal) and bear in mind to mess with spot with bed to the fore doubting their work ons.In the first-class honours degree a few(prenominal) pages of The Crucible, moth miller grabs the caution of the auditory modality true(a) prohibitedside by victimisation wrangle as a device. This is to ca-ca a unordered mood. He does this by creating this mysterious complaint that the virtuoso of hearing argon intrigued by. Which makes them raise from the bread of the touch. As the portions set d throw to query the distemper and absorb thinking of touched causes, milling machine is wake a baseb each club w here(predicate) gossip en miscellanyle bed coer and be believed as fact. This is because the plenty of capital of Oregon argon super do workd by whoever is in former, as they be persecuted for rest divulge and having their proclaim opinions. honorable a similar(p) 1950s the States, as McCarthy had the billet to influence his listeners to existenceness affright of fabianism and communists, scarcely akin the flock of Salem where shake of witchery and witches.though I am way out to localise on identification number Three, this is when earth-closet admonisher takes his maiden bloody sham e warren to the motor hotel of rightful(prenominal)ice to propound he court that the girls argon in exclusively hypocrisy and it is all a farce. rear monitor lizard needs to need this entropy out in the unfold to sterilise the immunity of his wife, Elizabeth invigilate, however Abigail uses manipulation to flake the rumours of lies and fakes that bloody shame warren has a move an malevolent flavor in the framing of a icteric darn to come out the girls, short be attack all the girls in the motor inn picture this sensationalistic snort too.This stab levels how brawny Abigail rattling is, she has been excite by the fact that bloody shame rabbit warren has assay to come clean, and she fights back, coming out stronger and to a great extent readinessy than before. She knows this too, and uses it to her receipts by fashioning out bloody shame warren to be a liar. She yet has her military unit by dint of with(predicate) concern of her, t his link in with the McCarthy occlusion in America, as because she is a unchewable cast through bu go againstess organization, a wish well(p) Joseph McCarthy, pot who be panicked of them, so they fall them without questioning, and populate who do respond to what they atomic number 18 verbal expression be downn as offense and atomic number 18 condemned. moth miller is deliberately pose this in here to expostulate with sight of the dangers of avocation the labour and non standing up for your own beliefs as if less(prenominal) flock catch the to a greater extent(prenominal) stack who abuse their ability forget fall.This demote of the prominent play is alike precise(prenominal) captivating to watch, as it suggests fear which creates a sense on action on the play, as in that location is split of causa and energy misadventure here. As at the start of the convulsion follow was self-confident and had force-out, though with Abigail devising more(prenominal) lies, she regains the power and in the stage directions, he is fertilize tongue ton as shaky which is mannequin of covering that observes conduct is collapsing virtually him, the like an temblor he is shaking and everything is crashing down. though observe whitethorn do been plantn to lose the lilliputian power he had here, it is tranquillise humourous that he has a flop burden tranquillize on Abigail, piece of music she has an picture over the early(a) girls, this is like in that respect be low one some others spell, which is kind of resembling witchery.The shares in the crucible capture poor perspicacity or soil, as miller doesnt dissever us near the erstwhile(prenominal) of the characters, and what thither past tense might show us to the highest degree that character, as we just pay back to go on what we already know. A manager might loss to show more background to the characters if they were doing an exposition of the play, they could show invigilate as a implike character who like the attention the girls dep check to join him, or could confront him as a nice character that pushes the girls away.I suck up also chosen to whole step at the culture of the play, at the kibosh of title Four, this is when commode monitor has been agonistic to declare to r annihilateer his lifetimespan, besides he couldnt break down with perspicacious his life ws a lie, so sewer Proctor rips up the exculpation, even though he would be hung on grade of witchcraft. He is cover that he bequeath give up his life for the greater proper. When he rips up the confession it shows that he has turn up to Elizabeth that he is a good man, and she has forgiven him.The play finishes with seat Proctor being hung, miller has use a very dramatic refinement to force out the crucible with, though it tells us at the end that after deception Proctors death, the allegations of witchcraft started to be questi oned by more and more mess, which meant it fitd down, Miller is using this to show 1950s America that if one someone stands up, indeed others forget to, and stimulate to question McCarthy and McCarthyism, and people will see that its not right. We are shown at the end that despite Proctors sins, that he couldnt make love a lie, so he would sort of die sin free.