
Monday, September 30, 2019

Critically analyse the ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the protection of vulnerable adults.

Abstract Personalisation has been described as a â€Å"cornerstone of the modernisation of public services† (Department of Health, 2008: 4); however there has been much discussion as to how this impacts upon the protection of vulnerable adults. Thus, it seems as though the current practices employed by social workers will have to be adapted in order to integrate personalisation into their agenda’s. This is likely to prove extremely complex given the conflictions that are likely to arise. This study will thus discuss such difficulties in more detail. Introduction The ways in which the personalisation agenda might impact on the protection of vulnerable adults will be critically discussed in order to consider the difficulties that are likely to be associated with personalisation. This will be done by firstly looking at social work practice implications, ethics and values. This will allow a determination to be made as to whether changes to such practices will need to be made. The effect personalisation has on anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practices will then be discussed followed by a review of the current HCPC standards, legislation policy and guidance. Once all of the applicable information has been gathered a conclusion will then be drawn. Social Work Practice Implications, Ethics and Values In improving social care standards in England, the Government published the personalisation agenda in their ‘Putting People First’ (Department of Health, 2007: 1) report. This is a shared commitment and vision that seeks to ensure all adults can have control over their own lives and thus live independently. This is likely to have a significant impact on the protection of vulnerable adults since the main objective of the report was to ensure vulnerable adults have the best quality of life. It was also made clear that the â€Å"quality of independent living is fundamental to a socially just society† (Department of Health, 2007: 2). A Local Authority circular; ‘Transforming Social Care’ (Department of Health, 2009: 4) strengthened this vision further by placing additional responsibilities on Local Authorities. Accordingly, it was noted in the circular that Local Authorities must take a more pro-active role when dealing with vulnerable adults and that the y must make applicable steps towards re-shaping their adult social care services, which was also supported by the Secretary of State for Health (Lansley, 2010: 5). In spite of such governments’ policies, it is questionable whether vulnerable adults will be better safeguarded since there appears to be â€Å"little guidance into how this agenda sits alongside that of personalisation in practice† (IPC, 2010: 3). In addition, it has been argued that both personalisation and the protection of vulnerable adults, although share the same end goals, their approaches actually conflict (Gray and Birrell, 2013: 207). Thus, personalisation is generally about enabling individuals to live their own lives, whilst the safeguarding of vulnerable adults is about ensuring the safety of such individuals by conforming to a set of policies and procedures that have been created specifically for this purpose. Arguably, by giving vulnerable adults the ability to control their own lives is likely to undermine the safeguarding principles that currently exist. This carries a significant risk since vulnerable adults may not actually have the ability to take co ntrol, and this may subsequently expose them to harm and impact the protection that they are to be afforded. Whilst personalisation encourages independence, safeguarding is about acting on behalf of vulnerable adults. Personalisation and Anti-oppressive and Anti-discriminatory Practices It remains to be seen how personalisation can be implemented, whilst ensuring that the protection of vulnerable adults is maintained, yet noted by Carr (2010: 2); â€Å"The goal is to get the balance right, moving away from being risk averse while still having appropriate regard for safeguarding issues.† It is questionable whether a balance is easy to achieve since personalisation is all about reducing the levels of control Local Authorities place upon vulnerable adults, yet higher levels of control are needed to protect such adults from harm. This can be extremely difficult for social workers who must employ anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practices by developing an understanding of structural inequalities so that they can be pro-active in their work with vulnerable adults (Hopton, 2012: 47). As personalisation is contrary to this, problems are likely to arise since social workers are required to â€Å"develop creative ways of working† by a â€Å"critical, pol iticised and geographical view of our culturally plural society† (Gardner, 2011: 30). This is much more difficult to achieve when adopting the personalisation agenda as social workers are required to take a step back and allow vulnerable adults to take control. HCPC standards, legislation policy and guidance The current HCPC standards that are required of social workers are also likely to conflict with the personalisation agenda since social workers are required to act in the best interests of their service users (HCPC, 2012: 3). Accordingly, enabling vulnerable adults to live independently may not be acting in their best interests as certain individuals will require constant supervision and will need the help and support from social workers. Hence, even if it appears as though a person is capable of taking control of their own life, this may not always be the case and so it is important that social workers continue to take a pro-active role in the lives of vulnerable adults. Thus, under the ‘No Secrets (Adult Protection)’ guidance managers with the responsibility of overseeing and supervising the investigation of, and response to, adult abuse are required to ensure that â€Å"all appropriate agencies are involved in the investigation and the provision of support, and that good standards of practices are maintained† (Department of Health, 2000: 16). However, personalisation is likely to have an impact on such responsibilities as it will require a change in the way welfare services are being delivered and the ways vulnerable adults are being supervised. Direct Payments, Exploitation and Fairer Charges As personalisation allows the individual to have a greater choice, the government will have less control over individual budgets. Accordingly, those in need of care will thus have a choice whether to accept direct payments in order to purchase their own social care services or allow local authorities to arrange their care (MNDA, 2010: 2). Whilst it has been said that this new approach helps those in need of care to attain a program suited to their individual needs (Age UK, 2013: 1), this can actually have dangerous consequences. This is because the service user may be at risk of abuse and exploitation by family members and unscrupulous carers (8). However, provided that this risk can be managed appropriately it has been said that the personalisation agenda may actually provide individuals with a fairer charging system (Duffy, 2011: 4). However, this will not be the case for everyone and whilst some individuals may end up with a better deal, others may be expected to meet the costs o f their care themselves. Arguably, whilst this system is workable in meeting the needs of certain individuals, it may actually penalise others. In addition, as put by (The Policy Press, 2011: 96) â€Å"it increases the costs of disability, encourages institutionalisation and works against independent living and person-centred support.† This is not what was intended by the establishment of the personalisation agenda and unless these inherent risks can be managed, it is likely that vulnerable adults will suffer. Conclusion Overall, it is evident that the personalisation agenda is likely to have a significant impact upon the ways in which vulnerable adults are likely to be protected in the future. This is because, the main objectives of personalisation are to enable vulnerable adults to take control of their own lives and live independently. This agenda, nevertheless, conflicts with the current practices that are being adopted by social workers in protecting vulnerable adults and as a result of this many changes are likely to be required. Whilst it is clear that a balance needs to be struck, it is likely that this will prove extremely complex when trying to put this into practice. Yet, it remains to be seen, if any, what measure will be taken by social workers in ensuring that the personalisation agenda is being employed, whilst at the same time maintaining the protection of vulnerable adults. References Age UK. (2013) Personal Budgets – More control over Your Care, [Online], Available: http://www.ageuk.org.uk/home-and-care/help-at-home/self-directed-support/ [13 January 2014]. Carr, S. (2010) ‘SCIE Report: Enabling risk, ensuring safety: Self-directed support and personal budgets’ Enabling Risk and Personal Budgets, Social Care Institute for Excellence. Department of Health. (2000) ‘No Secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse’ Home Office. Department of Health. (2007) ‘Putting People First; A shared vision and commitment to the transformation of Adult Social Care’ HM Government. [Online], Available: http://www.cpa.org.uk/cpa/putting_people_first.pdf [10 January 2014]. Department of Health (2009) ‘Transforming Adult Social Care’ Local Authority Circular. Duffy, S. (2011) A Fair Society and the Limits of Personalisation. Sheffield: Centre for Welfare Reform. Gardner, A. (2011) Personalisation in Social Work, SAGE, Social Science. Gray, A. M. and Birrell, D. (2013) Transforming Adult Social Care, The Policy Press. HCPC. (2012) ‘Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics’ Health & Care Professions Council, Your duties as a registrant, [Online], Available: http://www.hpc-uk.org/assets/documents/10003B6EStandardsofconduct,performanceandethics.pdf [10 January 2014]. Hopton. J. (2012) ‘Anti-discriminatory practice and anti-oppressive practice; A radical humanist psychology perspective’ Critical Social Policy, volume 17, no. 52. IPC. (2010) ‘Safeguarding vulnerable adults through better commissioning’ A Discussion Paper for Commissioners of Adult Social Care, Institute of Public Care. Lansley, A. (2010) ‘Speech to the 5th International Carers Conference’ The Royal Armouries, Leeds. MNDA. (2010) Direct Payments and Personalisation, Information Sheet No 22B, [Online], Available: http://www.mndassociation.org/Resources/MNDA/Life%20with%20MND/Information%20sheet%2022B%20-%20Direct%20payments%20and%20personalisation.pdf [13 January 2014]. The Policy Press. (2011) Supporting People: Towards a Person-centred Approach, Social Science.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Renting Versus Buying a Home

Renting versus buying a home, what are the pros and cons? I: In todays’ economy, renting is a better option for some families. With the downfall of the economy and the loss of so many jobs, renting a home is a less expensive way for some individuals. Either families had to sell or foreclosure was the only option they had when the economy took the downward turn. Therefore, renting a home became the most convenient option available to those families hit hard from the economic change. One of the most important ideas to keep in mind when looking for a new home is, is this a suitable place.They always have to think about, where the kids will go to school, is this neighborhood safe, and most important will they be happy living here. There are some positive notes to renting versus buying a home. However, there are some cons also. II: The pros to renting a home can be positive. The cost to renting a home is typically less expensive than buying a home. Their monthly rent is less expens ive than mortgage payments, and they will not have to pay any property taxes. Property taxes will be the property owners’ expense.They will also have the ease of moving. If they choose to move, they will not have to worry about having to sell their home. If they sign a lease, they can move after their lease has expired. One other pro to renting can be the fact that they will never have to worry about paying for any maintenance or repairs. This will be the property owners’ expenses as long as the tenant was not neglectful and caused any of the problems. The security deposit that they pay upon moving in is what takes care of things that may have happened while living in the home.This is where the property owner will subtract monies when renter moves out for wear on the home. III: There are always cons to renting versus buying a home. When renting a home they will not have any equity in the home. They are paying for something that they will never own. Some people feel tha t when they rent they are just throwing away money or just helping the property owner buy their property. This is true as this is typically, why people buy homes. They make the mortgage payments from their renters but it is also their means of making money also.Property owners are their own bosses and some do not have normal jobs, this is their means of supporting their families. Renters also have to face that there can be rental increases also. They may sign a lease but when the lease expires, the property owner may choose to increase the rent. One other con to renting is the restrictions that property owners may place. This can be whether they can have pets, paint the walls a different color, or make any changes to the dwelling in which they are living without prior consent from the property owner.The positive to all of this â€Å"That renting is a better way of living in today’s economy. † Yes, there are some positives and negatives but the positives with renting ou tweigh the negatives. Most property owners will help renters with things that will make them more comfortable but within reason. The renters just need to have an open mind and talk to the owners. Most property owners will bend as long as the tenants talk to them in advance and are willing to pay for things such as painting an inside wall to a different color, or planting things that will make the place more pleasing.Things like this will only increase the value of the home, and if the property owner does not have to pay for it, then they are more than likely to allow something’s within reason. I choose this type of outline because it was a more professional layout. I felt it had an easier feel to it and was a nice layout. I was able to use this outline and still get most of my material in. I also was able to have my topic sentences stated clear, and with all the supporting points in the proper places. This to me was a better outline to follow.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Code of ethics on Work Essay

A. Develop an applicable standards and procedures section that includes four elements of acceptable or unacceptable behavior found in a code of ethics. Acceptable Standards 1.Integrity- We will always do what we say and say what we do. We must always be consistent, credible and act with integrity. Employee’s actions should maintain high integrity in all activity related to this organization. 2.Diversity- Our culture is based on mutual respect and we value the differences that each employee brings to their position. Employees will treat others with respect and should build an environment of mutual respect. Employee differences and disagreements should always be handled peacefully and professionally. Employees will respect cultural and racial differences and work support an environment where all employees are respected for their contributions. 3.Open Communication- If you have questions, concerns or complaints, you are encouraged to talk to your manager. We value you as an employee and want to ensure that each employee’s working environment is pleasant, productive and that your feedback is heard and acted upon. Should you prefer to speak to someone other than your manager, you can contact your Ombudsman at any time. 4.Accountability- Employees will take accountability for their actions and contributions to the business and should hold each other accountable for maintaining ethical behavior that is in line with our code of ethics. B. Develop a section that identifies at least three specific elements for an ethics training program. Ethics Training Program 1.Departmental Training- We require all departments to provide regular training to ensure understanding and awareness of corporate standards related to ethical decision making. Training should be focused on employee awareness of ethical standards and understanding and use of resources for  employees. These departmental training sessions will be manager or peer led sessions and will be done on a quarterly basis. 2.Annual Company Wide Training- We will require annual ethics training and certification for all employees. The training is required to be completed annually and will be mandatory to all employees. Manager bonus programs will be dependent on department/team participation. 3.Managerial Training- Managers will be required to be certified annually to show understanding and alignment with our existing ethics programs and any ongoing changes to the program. C. Develop a section that explains the processes for each of the following: 1. Monitoring employee misconduct 2. Auditing employee misconduct 3. Reporting employee misconduct Employee Misconduct Managers will be required to monitor employee conduct in several ways, including regular interaction, performance reviews and evaluation of quarterly surveys. Regular interaction with the team will ensure that managers are engaged in the over-sight of their department and able to interact and coach employees before issues escalate. Quarterly survey results will be used monitor employee conduct and behavior. These surveys will help to identify possible team issues and allow employees to share anonymous feedback on a regular basis. Surveys also give the employees the ability provide feedback on the department, manager or any issues that may be taking place as well as to leverage or engage human resources. Performance reviews will be used to coach through behavioral issues, including ethical issues as well as to monitor the professional growth, contribution and alignment with corporate and ethical goals. Executives will oversee the managers and will work to identify issues/conflict in their department through quarterly skip level interviews, anonymous reporting options, and access to cross segment feedback on individuals. Both Managers and Executives will be supported by corporate HR which will also have visibility and oversight into the employee feedback shared through various anonymous feedback sources. The Human resource  department should constantly look for early signs of ethical conflict with corporate standards with the goal of supporting a healthy environment. Both the HR department and the executive team shall have cross segment visibility and oversight into employee behavior with the goal of identifying risks to the corporate culture and standards. Auditing Employee Conduct Employee conduct will be audited via several means including but not limited to surveys, coaching, web training, employee performance reviews and anonymous reporting options. This will ensure corporate visibility and oversight into the adherence of employees to our ethical standards. These mechanisms will have a weighted score attached to the result as follows: †¢Quarterly Survey’s 15% †¢Managerial Coaching 30% †¢Web Training 15% †¢Employee performance review 30% †¢Anonymous reporting results 10% Web training and surveys will be tailored to gather specific data based on corporate priorities at the time of these actions. Managerial coaching sessions, employee performance reviews, and anonymous reporting will be used to audit employee support and adherence to our ethics program. Audit scoring will be on a 1 to10 point scale. The Human Resource department will compile the results and produce an enterprise wide report which shall be released quarterly. Departments that do not meet the standard of 90% or higher will need to create a plan of action. Managers, directors, and a representative of human resource will create a plan of action along with a timeline for remediation and this will be managed by the HR department. In addition, an outside auditor must review the ethics program annually to confirm that ethical standards are being followed and maintained as expected. Reporting Employee Misconduct All employees will have access to a corporate website, toll free phone number and an ombudsman that employees should use to report misconduct or  violations of the corporate ethics policy. In addition, managers may use all other corporate communication tools such as email, instant messenger or phone conversations to gain visibility to and to report misconduct. D. Develop a section that explains your plan to do the following: 1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ethics program after implementation. 2. Provide suggestions to improve the ethics program after implementation. Ongoing Evaluation of our Ethics program During our annual third party audit, the auditing company will review the overall effectiveness of our ethics program to show annual performance trending from the previous year as well as a comparison to industry results. Upon completion of the third party evaluation, we will use the information to identify strengths and opportunities in our corporate ethics program which will be used to build the following years plan metrics and priorities. Ongoing Improvement of our Ethics Program We are a pay for performance organization and as such, Executive bonus plans will be tied to successful achievement of our corporate, ethical standards. Ten to thirty percent of Executive bonus plans will be paid at a multiplier of (2X) as long as the third party assessment shows 90% or greater achievement of corporate ethics targets. In addition, we will provide company wide, quarterly reports to share our performance with the employees and we will adjust key manager incentives to ensure alignment of departmental ethics goals to company goals.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Business - Essay Example (Keegan & Moriarty, 1998) 3. GROWTH STAGE: It is a stage of Product Development in which the product starts selling and profits are higher as compared to the initial stage. Sales starts climbing quickly and the expenses are lower because the product has been catered in the minds of the target audience and everyone is familiar with the product. It is stage where company doesn’t do any type of marketing and promotion expenses and tries to cover all the expenses that has been done in the Introduction stage. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2001) 4. MATURITY STAGE: It is a PLC stage where the product sales slows and eventually becomes zero. It is a stage where the product is matured and the consumers want some new product to be catered to them. Companies apply certain strategies to their product to cater the changing needs of consumers and try to save their product from going in the decline stage. There are three strategies that managers apply in maturity stage: (Keegan & Moriarty, 1998) i. Modifying The Market: It is a strategy in which company tries to modify its target Market by catering to different types of consumers according to their needs. The company can also reposition their product to appeal to different segments of the market. (Keegan & Moriarty, 1998) ii. Modifying The Product: It is a strategy in which the company tries to modify its product by changing their characteristics such as features, quality, packaging or changing the style of a product. By doing this can attract consumers as they will see a different picture of that product. It can also improve product performance as well as reliability. (Keegan & Moriarty, 1998) iii. Modifying The Marketing Mix: It is a strategy in which company changes one or more elements of Marketing Mix such as price, the product packaging, the place of product and etc. It can also do new marketing techniques to appeal their target

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The role and impact Forensic Anthropology has on death investigations Research Paper

The role and impact Forensic Anthropology has on death investigations - Research Paper Example Forensic anthropology applies the techniques and methodology of skeletal biology and osteology to forensic (i.e., legal) cases. One such set of techniques used is â€Å"anthropometry,† which aims at the quantitative assessment of gender, age, ancestry, and stature, as well as the analysis of trauma and disease. When such analytical techniques are applied to modern remains the identity of which is unknown, for the purpose of establishing the identity of the person and the manner and circumstances of death, then the exercise pertains to the forensic application of onteology, e.g., the study of skeletons for the purpose of establishing a ground for legal action. (Adebisi, 2009). This study shall seek to provide an assessment of the role and impact of forensic anthropology in death investigations. An overview of recent developments in this field and new theories garnered from academic journals is given, leading to a generalisation of the importance of the field in resolving cases of deaths where the identity of the deceased is unknown. Contemporary developments of forensic anthropology Forensic anthropology is not needed in all cases of post-mortem analysis. ... There are occasions when anthropologists would be instrumental in positively identifying the person whose remains had been discovered, but in most cases their work involve gathering information and reducing the uncertainties in order to exclude as many groups as possible and thereby narrow the possibilities. Principally, the anthropologist aims to supply police investigators with the profile of the deceased and provide them clues to its identity. Arguably, their most important tool is the Fordisc program, used by the forensic anthropologists to identify particular attributes and characteristics present in the remains to identify the racial or ethnic group to which the deceased belongs. Most forensic anthropologists work in tandem with homicide investigators, odontologists and pathologists in order to determine who the decedent is, whether his death was caused by a violent at, and how much time had passed since death occurred (Adebisi, 2009). They could not, however, declare the offic ial cause of death; even so, their research could inform the final report of the medical examiner who is charged with this authority. They may also be asked to give evidence in court as expert witnesses, but reservations about certain methods or techniques that are acceptable and used in the discipline (e.g. forensic facial reconstruction) render them inadmissible in court. Identification of numerous victims of war The war in Croatia lasted from 1991 to 1995. During that time, countless individuals, many of whom were civilians and therefore not bearing any forms of identification, were killed and interred collectively in mass graves. A particular case that proved more of a challenge than the others was the case of the multiple individuals contained in 13 wells. There

Black History Disputed Elections in American History Essay

Black History Disputed Elections in American History - Essay Example Nonetheless, some stand out as the ultimate mark of controversy and even legal dispute. With emphasis on electoral discrimination against the African Americans, this paper focuses on the disputed and controversial 1960 and 2004 elections. Despite the serious accusations concerning the 1960 elections, unanimity on the event among historians and experts does not exist. Indeed, most experts and historians tend to support both sides of the claim, but a closer analysis of the data and facts tend to disagree with the viewpoint. Despite the failure of the Republican Party to prove fraud in the elections does not necessarily mean that the election was clean. Despite all the efforts, the issue remains unsolved. Interestingly, the legend leaves out that multiple election boards did not consider overturning the election results, nor federal judges and a special prosecutor from Illinois. Furthermore, numerous academic inquiries concerning the Illinois case conclude that the evident fraud was not substantial enough to challenge the election results (Campbell 87). However, some level of fraud occurred in Cook County. Three people were incarcerated on election-related offences and more than 670 indicted and then acquitted by Judge Karns. Most of the allegations presented involved practices undetectable by a mere recount. According to an article on the issue, nobody clearly knew the winner of the election, and despite the claim by Kennedy that he had won the election, his father cautioned on the vote count in Cook County. Apparently, the close win by Kennedy over Nixon has been a long, contentious debate, with accusations of the former receiving assistance from his father’s mob connections, the powerful Chicago Mayor Daley, and Lyndon Johnson’s connections. In essence, there is no clear evidence that Nixon won both Illinois and Texas, which he had to in order to win the Electoral College Vote, but there was massive voter fraud on behalf of Kennedy in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gender Stereotypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gender Stereotypes - Essay Example If the husband has an understanding towards wife then disputes never occurs but if the husbands are adamant and of dominating temperament then the wife is not of docile kind then conflicts arise in the family leading to the disturbed family lives for both the partners finally leading to separation or divorce. Q. Is the husband still expected to be the head of the household If so, explain what roles the husband will be in charge of as the head of the household. If not, explain the distribution of roles within the home. In majority of the families husbands are still considered to be the head of the family and every member of the family has to follow his commands, but with changing trends, awareness and education husbands are also contributing their efforts in helping the spouse and in raring the children, like picking the children from school, bringing household articles from the market, helping wife in kitchen and other household work, devoting time for the family, helpin

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Laterality Differences in Native Arabic Speakers and English Speakers Article

Laterality Differences in Native Arabic Speakers and English Speakers - Article Example This first for example tests whether an English speaker is able to give right ear preference in hearing Arabic sounds and vice versa. This was then extended to include the other categories. Although the majority of tests showed no significant differences for left or right ear perception i.e. showed no suggestion of lateralized perception, at least one from each of the 4 categories of objectives did show evidence of a significant difference at the 5% level of significance. In the first set of tests in which all participants were exposed to both native and non-native sounds to observe any lateralized perception, it was found that each group of speakers had lateralized perception for their own native language but not for the non-native language. That is, the lateralized perception was evident amongst Arabic speakers during the Arabic language test, and amongst English speakers during the English language test, but not during the language test that was in a foreign language for each group. The significant finding was that in these cases, the average scores for right-ear perception was greater than the average scores for left-ear perception. Furthermore, in a comparison bet ween the two tests, the average score on the Arabic language test was significantly greater than the average score on the English language test for right-ear perception in the case of Arabic language speakers, and left-ear perception in the case of English language speakers. Whereas the above was as expected, when the three factors of handedness, gender, and native language were studied, the results were more interesting, and lateralization was evident in one of the 4 instances for each factor. In the English language test, gender was the only significant factor whereas, in the Arabic language test, the other two factors rather than gender were significant.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Automobile in America (American History) Research Paper

The Automobile in America (American History) - Research Paper Example Cars had been invented many decades earlier, but its high cost limited access to the majority of Americans. The Ford Company in the 1920’s changed the industry forever. The company’s superior mass production techniques allowed Ford to lower the cost of producing an automobile dramatically. The Ford Model T was the car model that became a mainstream in the 1920’s when the price of the auto was reduced to $310, nearly $500 cheaper than a decade earlier (Kenney, 2001). The company had the best selling product in America which was a critical success factor that gave Ford a competitive advantage. The Ford Company valued the effort of its workers. The company created thousands of good paying jobs which helped the American economy. By the end of the 1920’s Ford had manufactured and distributed 15 million Ford T vehicles across America (Virgina). The proliferation of the automobile accelerated the speed of growth of the American economy due to the fact that the ab ility to commute freely increased commercial activity and the amount of work opportunities for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Approaches in Lifelong Learning Essay Example for Free

Approaches in Lifelong Learning Essay The need of the learners was identified as having to have investigators who could adopt a methodical approach, which is essential whilst carrying out equipment failure investigations. This was used as my session aim: ‘This learning session will teach you a methodical approach of investigating equipment failure’. When identifying the need for training I first assessed what the learners would have to have learnt by the end of the learning session. This was identified as the need to know what equipment would be used and how to carryout an investigation in easily managed phases. I then used this as my objective: By the end of this lesson you will have been introduced to the contents of the investigator pack and be able to identify the 3 phases of an equipment failure investigation’. (1. 2) The learners were identified as personnel with some previous learning within the subject matter. The instructional, rather than practical approach to delivering the session was selected as the subject matter was mainly theoretical (the session would later be followed by a practical session). The primary method of delivery would be verbal, given by the teacher.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Need Of Sound Information System Information Technology Essay

The Need Of Sound Information System Information Technology Essay Small to Medium Enterprise is an organization or business that only has a certain number of employees or revenues, different country has a different definition and standard for SME. In Singapore, SME need to have at least 30 per cent local equity and fixed productive assets not more than S$15 million and limit of only not more than 200 employees. In Australia, SME has a different category such as very small with only 1 to 9 employees, small with only 10 to 49 employees, medium with 50 to 149 employees and large with 150+ employees. Information in SME is a really important asset, the loss or damage in any pieces of information will damage the company really badly. Lose in competitive advantage, customers loyalty is the consequences that may happen and a company in SME could be out of business if an incident like that happened. Even though information security can be applied to all kind of business, but there are differences between SME and large company when applying security. SME and large company have a difference kind of challenges when applying security. SME does not have big budget like large company, fewer qualified security personnel and resources. Challenges for large enterprises are often because of their large size. They are difficult to track their users because they have a large number of users and sometimes they have a lot of branches in different locations to maintain. SME also has advantage compared to the large company, SME which has a smaller number of employees than large company has a lesser t hreat by insider attacks. One of the solutions for SME for security is outsourcing the security, but the problem occurred because of the price offered, some SMEs cannot afford the prices, so it comes again with the budget SME has. There is other solution offered to SME in security, some of the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) increasingly partnering with security vendors to offers SMEs standard security products. The need of sound information system. Information security management is a management that manages threats and risks to the organizations information; it is applicable for all type of organization, from large to small organization. Information security management includes personnel security, technical security, physical security, access control, business continuity management and many other things. The standard of the requirement of information security management is ISO 27001; it is one of the ISO 27000 families. With this, it can help to make the information more protected and clients will also feel secured. ISO 27001 helps to protect all kind of information, information in soft copy or hard copy and even in communication. There 3 important characteristics in Information security, Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). Confidentiality ensures that only some authorized user may access the information, so different level of information can only be accessed by certain users. Integrity is a state where the information is complete, and uncorrupted. Availability ensures that the information is available whenever the authorized user accessed. Information security management is needed because now information is the most vital asset for almost all the organizations. A lot of consequences when the information is destroyed, stolen or corrupted and the consequences may be very dangerous or even make the organizations fall down. Personal information is also vital to the people itself and also to the company, if the company do not handle the information carefully, it will be dangerous to the company because personal information can also be customer information and when it is not secured, the customers can lost their trust to the company and the companys reputation will be affected also, these can also applied to the companys staffs. There is this case study where some companies in London experienced loss of electricity because there was a problem in the London power company. Because of the loss of electricity, some of the companies have their data corrupted and also systems crashed, these incidents made the companies loss their clients, clean corrupted data, re input the data which cost them more and closed the business. There are some of the topics that cover the information security management: Biometric security devices and their use Biometric Security is a tool to protect from intruder to access information but using part of the body to authenticate the authorized user instead of typing the password. The advantages are it cannot be borrowed or made and also it is more secured than inputting the password. Biometrics that is using physical body that is unique includes fingerprints, palm, retina, iris, and facial. For the behavioral characteristics include signature, voice, keystroke pattern and human motion. This is a list of biometric and its uses. Fingerprints recognition is a biometric where it identifies by scanning fingerprints and looks for the pattern found on a fingertip. There are different kinds of fingerprints verification, some of them using pattern-matching devices; comparing the scanned fingerprints from database, they are also using moirà © fringe patterns and ultrasonic. Palm recognition scan, measure the shape of the hand and look for the pattern on the palm. Some of the organizations use this for time and attendance recording. Retina recognition analyzing the layer of blood vessels located at the back of the eye. This biometric uses low intensity light and source through and optical coupler to look for patterns of the retina, so the user need to focus on a given point. Iris recognition analyze the colored ring of tissues surround the pupil by using conventional camera element and the users do not need to be close to the scanner. Face recognition analyses the facial cha racteristics and it requires digital camera to scan. Some organization like casino, scan for scam artists for quick detection. Some of the company even government also using biometric security. Fujitsu Ltd. is now making the company desktop computer to use a palm recognition, it is not using fingerprints because it said that palm recognition is more secured than fingerprint. They are using infrared to scan the users palm, they look for the pattern of the vein in the palm and because they use infrared, they can see them. This technology is already in use in more than 18000 bank ATMS in Japan. Germany stores a digital fingerprints and digital photos in to the passport to fight organized crime and international terrorism. Biometric may be more secured but research says biometric like fingerprint recognition can be accessed by unauthorized users also. There is this mathematician named Tsutomu Matsumoto, he use a $10 ingredients; gelatin and plastic mold to reproduce a portion of finger and in four of five attempts, he can accessed to 11 different fingerprints recognition systems. Incident response management and disaster recovery Incident response is an organized plan or procedures to handle and counter some threats like security breach or attack. Incident response plan includes a policy that discusses how to response to a certain threats, reduces recovery costs and time. Some of incident response goals are reduce the impact, prevent future incidents, verify that incident occurred, maintains Business Continuity, and improve security and incident response. There is incident response team in the organization that handles the incident response plan. Incident response team also needs another party in organization to help them, such as business managers, IT staff, legal department, human resources, public relations, security groups, audit and risk management specialists. Business managers make agreements with the team about their authority over business systems and decisions if critical business systems must be shut down. IT staff help the team to access the network for analysis purposes and improve security infrastructure if recommended by the team. Legal staffs need to review non-disclosure agreements and determine site liability for computer security incidents. Human resources help to hire the teams staff and develop policies and procedures for removing internal employees. Public relations help to handle the media and develop information-disclosure policies. Security groups help the team to solve issues involving computer. Audit and ris k management help to analyze threat. There are a several steps to response to the incident. First, the organization needs to prepare the staff by having the staff to do some training; they need to be trained to response to the incident quickly and correctly and also educates the staff to update the security regularly. The response team has to identify whether it is a security incident or not and the team can also find some information about the current threats. Response team need to identify how far the problem has affected the systems and decide faster by shut down the affected system to prevent further damage. Then they need to find the source of the incident and remove the source. After that they need to restored the data from clean backup files, monitor them and upgrading the systems to prevent the same incidents in the future. Mobile device security management Mobile devices the staffs use also need some kind of security because they can contain pieces of information about the company, it can be the customer or staff information but it can be some kind of soft copy of some reports or documents. Some of IT staffs need to use mobile devices like PDA or smart phone to make business data. Mobile devices may look secure, free of viruses and malwares but they are not. There are several threats to the mobile devices. Intruder can intrude the mobile devices and expose the information out of it through wireless network by using wireless sniffer. Mobile devices can also be stolen or lost and if the devices are not secured by putting a password, information can be dig out easily from the devices. Less than 500 mobile operating system viruses, worms and Trojans can be found. Mobile viruses can be a major threat, some of the viruses can clear the data; corrupt the data and several other problems. Viruses can intrude the devices when application downloaded to the devices. There is one virus called 911 Virus, this virus cause 13 million I-mode user in to automatically call Japans emergency phone number. E-mail viruses affect the devices the same as e-mail virus affect regular PC. It makes the devices to send multiple emails. There are ways to prevent the threat to happen. The easiest way is to put a password to the mobile devices, the password can only be attempted for a several times and if it failed, the devices will be automatically locked down. Using encryption techniques can help to protect intruder from intruding when exchanging data using wireless network. Back up the data regularly to PC if anything happens to the data. Install antivirus and putting a firewall into the devices can help to prevent viruses. Administrator can take control of the mobile device and also wipe the data on missing or stolen devices. Linking business objectives with security Linking business objectives with information security can be expensive process and risky. It can create frustration in both sides. There are several actions that can be used to improve both sides. Reflect the business objectives in information security; reflect them in information security policy, objectives and activities. Information security has to be consistent with the organizational culture, changing the culture of the business from information security is often not possible. Protect the information in business process by establish a security program. Follow the information security standard, following them will make the staff, customers and client feel that their data is safe. Increase the understanding of the need for security, security manager should explain the benefit of them by using business terms, so that everyone can understand more. Obtain the support from management; ensure that risk management is part of every staffs job description. The last thing is to use the res ources wisely. Spend more resources when the problems are really occurred. With this plan, both business and security can improve and successful. Ethical issues in information security management IT security personnel are given the authority to access data or information about the individuals and companies networks and system. With this authority, they might use it in a wrong way which mostly is intruding someones privacy for example, scanning employees email just for fun or even diverting the messages, read others email and even worse, they can blackmail the employee. The IT personnel can monitor the websites that visited by the network user, they can even place key loggers on machine to capture everything that is displayed. There is ethical issues called real world ethical dilemmas, it is where the IT security personnel happened to see the company secrets and may print the documents, it can be use to blackmail the company or even trade the information to the other company. They also may encounter where they see a document where it showed that the company do some illegal things. With this crucial information, the company is in danger, not only the company but also the security personnel themselves. There are ways to prevent the people in internet that want to intrude users privacy, one of the articles said that when the author access a website, he saw advertisement in the website and the ad said about an event and it takes place at the authors area, and so he tried to change the location of the computer and when he click the ad again, it shows a different area, area where the his computer set up, this kind of ad using the users IP address to track the user, so he figure it out by hiding or masking IP address using some software, this way, the user can protect their privacy effectively One article talked about how IT security personnel deal with sensitive information in right way, first thing to do if to check whether they have signed a non-disclosure agreement that required them to protect information that they overheard, if there are then protect it, second things to do is to ask themselves whether it is reasonable to the host company to expect them to hold such overheard conversation in confidence. If so, they should not spread the overheard information to anyone. Security training and education With many organizations are using internet, many users including unauthorized can access and dig out information. They need to train or educate their staff to protect organizations information by creating a system to secure the information from unauthorized users. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) educates the staffs about how information security works, secure the information, and maintain the information safe and secured. Network security will have the staffs quickly respond to defend the attacks and have countermeasures. Following by investigate the weakness of the systems. It is not easy to protect network security which is why they need to be trained. CISSP education consists of learning about database security, how the intruders intrude the systems, and the right countermeasures for a certain attacks. There is a survey regarding the intrusion to the US companies, the unauthorized intrusions to their network increased 67% this year from 41% last year. The cause of intrusions mainly because of hacker attack, lack of adequate security policies, employee web usage, virus, employee carelessness, disgruntled employee, weak password policy, lack of software updates and software security flaw. IT managers also take part of the survey about which is the biggest intrusion in the future and they identified that viruses, spyware, Trojan, worms and spam are the biggest risk, followed by hacking, uneducated user about security, sabotage, and loss of information. A group called QinetiQ North Americas Mission Solution Group, it provide security education and training to the users but before they train their user, they need to identify individuals required training objectives, plan, develop and validate training materials and then they conduct an effective training to the personnel and at the end evaluate course effectiveness. Defending against Internet-based attacks Internet-based attacks can be very dangerous to the company; a research said companies are losing an average of $2 million in revenue from internet-based attacks which disrupt the business. The average of 162 companies said that they are suffered one crucial incident a year from worms, viruses, spyware or other security-related causes, and for each attack the systems were down an average of 22 hours. The threats will grow as the companies increase their use of internet. Defend against the internet-based attack can be done by using intrusion prevention and detection, they can detect the attack and the company can quickly defend against them. IDS will be looking for the characteristics of known attacks. IPS can recognize the content of network traffic and block malicious connection. Wireless intrusion prevention monitors the wireless networks, detect unauthorized access points and provide reporting and analysis. There are also basic things like firewalls and antivirus that can be used to defend and there are many things that can be used to defend these kinds of attacks. Industrial espionage and business intelligence gathering Incident response is an organized plan or procedures to handle and counter some threats like security breach or attack. Incident response plan includes a policy that discusses how to response to a certain threats, reduces recovery costs and time. Some of incident response goals are reduce the impact, prevent future incidents, verify that incident occurred, maintains Business Continuity, and improve security and incident response. There is incident response team in the organization that handles the incident response plan. Incident response team also needs another party in organization to help them, such as business managers, IT staff, legal department, human resources, public relations, security groups, audit and risk management specialists. Business managers make agreements with the team about their authority over business systems and decisions if critical business systems must be shut down. IT staff help the team to access the network for analysis purposes and improve security infrastructure if recommended by the team. Legal staffs need to review non-disclosure agreements and determine site liability for computer security incidents. Human resources help to hire the teams staff and develop policies and procedures for removing internal employees. Public relations help to handle the media and develop information-disclosure policies. Security groups help the team to solve issues involving computer. Audit and ris k management help to analyze threat. There are a several steps to response to the incident. First, the organization needs to prepare the staff by having the staff to do some training; they need to be trained to response to the incident quickly and correctly and also educates the staff to update the security regularly. The response team has to identify whether it is a security incident or not and the team can also find some information about the current threats. Response team need to identify how far the problem has affected the systems and decide faster by shut down the affected system to prevent further damage. Then they need to find the source of the incident and remove the source. After that they need to restored the data from clean backup files, monitor them and upgrading the systems to prevent the same incidents in the future. Governance issues in information security management Security governance is a system that directs and control information security. Governance itself means setting the objectives of the business and ensures them to achieve the objectives. There are several examples of governance issues, CEO of health south corporation said that more than 85 counts that include fraud and signing off on false corporate statements that overstated earning by at least US $1.4 billion. Senior vice president and CIO of the company with the 15 other plead guilty. Another incident happened in an Ohio-based company that handles payroll and other human resources functions on a contract business which is already bankrupt, and they left their 3000 staffs without paychecks and reportedly that the companys client list has been sold. Personnel issues in Information sec Personnel security focuses on the employees involving policies and procedures about the risks the employees accessing the company information and prevents them from taking it. Threats in organizations are not only from the outside but also from the inside, which can make severe damages and costs. There are ways to prevent this from happening. Pre-employment checks are an act where the company will check whether the candidates have the qualification for employment, this way they will know whether the candidates have revealed important information about themselves. National Security Vetting determines whether the candidate is suitable to be given the access to sensitive information which can be valuable to the rival company. This process is usually included in the pre-employment checks. There are also responsibilities for each of some roles that involved in personnel security. Director has to publish and maintain policy guidelines for personnel security, decide the security access requirements and ensure that all the employees have been checked on their background and trained. Information Security Officer prepares the personnel security policy, monitoring the policy, and ensures that all the staffs are trained in computer security responsibilities. Supervisor need to speak with the user about the securitys requirements, monitor the policy, ensures that all the staffs are trained in computer security responsibilities, informs ISO when the staffs access need to be removed, tracking the staffs accounts when they create or delete the account. System Security Officer monitor compliance with the security policy, have the authority to delete systems password if the employee no longer need access, tracking users and their authorizations. Users need to understand their respo nsibilities, use the information for only certain events, response quickly by informing the supervisor if there is intruder access the data and abused the information. Privacy issues in the company are also personnel issues. Organization is also responsible of the privacy of the staffs, because all the staffs records are kept in the organization. Personnel records cannot be seen by other staffs or outsider without the holders permission. Social Security Numbers are not allowed to become private password like email password. Eavesdropping needs to be limited, eavesdropping to the telephone conversation and voicemail are not allowed. Monitoring is allowed as long as the purpose is to keep the employees work, employees need to be informed early that they will be monitored. Medical records and background information are confidential; no one can access them without permission excluding the holders themselves. Physical security issues in Information security Physical security is a security that focuses on protecting the information, personnel, hardware and programs from physical threats. Threat that can cause a lot of damage to the enterprise or building is also things that need to be aware in physical security, for example, natural disaster, vandalism, and terrorism. Physical security can be intruded by a non technical intruder. There are a lot of ways to protect from physical threats. Security can be hardened by putting difficult obstacles for the intruder including multiple locks, fencing, walls and fireproof safes. Putting surveillances like heat sensors, smoke detectors, intrusion detectors, alarms and cameras. There are key areas that need to be focused on. In facility security, they are entry points, data center, user environments, access control and monitoring devices, guard personnel and also wiring closet. For the company staff and the visitor, they need to be focused on control and accountability, use of equipment, awareness, security procedure compliance. Workstations, servers, backup media, and mobile devices need to be protected. Control, storage and disposal of information also need to be focused on. Physical security also issues hospitality industries. Example of hospitality industries are resorts, hotels, clubs, hospitals and also many other things. Physical threats that occurred in these industries are mainly theft, followed by assault, burglary, auto theft, robbery and sexual assault. If these industries experience this kind of threats, the industries can contribute to poor public relations. Company like IBM also offers physical and IT security. IBM Internet security Systems (ISS) products secure IT infrastructure with threat and vulnerability management, enabling business continuity and cost-effective processes. IBM integrate video surveillance and analytic technologies, the products can help reduce time and cost to collect and store video and it also enable analysis of surveillance data. IBM also provide products for intrusion prevention, mail security; protection of messaging infrastructure, and also security intelligence which provide information about the threats that can affect the network. Cyber forensic incident response One of the primary objectives in incident response plan is to contain the damage, investigate what happen, and prevent it from happening again in the future. It is a bit the same as computer forensic because they need to reduce the damage and investigate the cause of it. By understanding how the data is accessed and stored can be the key to find the evidence that someone has tried to hide, erase, or destroy. The investigator needs to take care of their evidence, make sure that it is not lost, destroyed or changed.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Amateur radio

Amateur radio   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If regular communications were knocked out, Amateur Radio would be there to step in! Amateur Radio connects people in times of need during emergencies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To start ones adventure into Amateur Radio, one needs to obtain a license. There is a test required by the FCC in order to obtain a license which one needs to operate an Amateur Radio (H10). Only licensed amateurs can operate an Amateur Radio station (BARTLETT). Amateurs have to go through the different levels of licenses, which go from technician to general then to extra (HARING). With each step, they get more privilages and frequencies. Past exam questions included equipment, regulations, and morse code, all of which were dropped (HAMILTON). Now Amateur Radio is growing at a rate of 10% a year (HAMILTON). Amateur radio is growing with the new generation as well. Amateur Radio not just meant for old folks. The Amateur Community want to see a new generation of men and women try Amateur Radio, said Don Montgomery (CONRAD). Test and study materials add up to usually $40 (H11).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Amateur Radio is getting more and more in-sync with new technology and computers. Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) uses Global Positioning System with Amateur Radio to remotely track Amateurs movements and reports them to the APRS website (H11). All one needs to use APRS is a GPS and an Amateur Radio (H11). Anyone can go online to the APRS website to see where amateurs are at, anytime of the day. Amateurs also use APRS for use with Geocaching (H11). Geocaching is a scavenger hunt where people use a GPS unit to find treasures outside (H11). Echolink can be used as an alternative to equipment. Echolink is a software program, which hams can use to listen to and transmit audio over the Internet (H10). Echolink works by using a computer and Internet connection with a radio to listen to the repeater, and to constantly transmit audio over the Internet via Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) technology to the end-user (H12). The same happens in reverse, when an end-user transmits they use VOIP technology to get to the computer, and the computer transmits audio to the radio, which the radio transmits audio to the repeater. With Echolink, licensed operators can get on other repeaters and listen and transmit on them as well (H12). There are conferences which are groups that can handle large amounts of users. These are server-based groups that are basically a middle-man or main group which people, links, repeaters, or other conferences can connect to (H12). Internet Radio Link Project (IRLP) is almost exactly like Echolink, except that it is made mainly for connecting only repeaters to repeaters via VOIP, and not for desktop clients (H10). Logging ones contacts for a record is important as well. There also is logging software which can log stations that amateurs have made contact with (H10). Mostly logging is used with High Frequencies (HF) because of contesting. It is an easy way to keep track of ones data to send QSLs to (H10). Amateurs may also use an online log book, called Log Book of the World (LBW). This is useful for contacts that are in other countries (H10). If an amateur were to send QSL postcards to everyone whom they have had contact with in other countries, it would get really expensive, really fast (H10).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Amateurs really need equipment to take their licenses to the maximum possible level. The equipment that amateurs use can be put into two main categories: basic and advanced (LINDSAY). A basic station includes a transceiver, power supply, antenna, and coax. An advanced station includes transceiver(s), power supply(s) or generator, state-of-the-art antenna(s), amp(s), tower(s), and computer(s) (LINDSAY). Past radios used tubes, while todays radios use electronics (BARTLETT). Amateurs can choose from buying pre-made kits or choose to buy do-it-yourself kits, which they can solder the connections (HARING). Usually advanced hams have High Frequency radios, while basic hams have 2 meter and 440 radios (LINDSAY).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disadvantages of Amateur Radio are very few. The number one disadvantage of Amateur Radio is that transmissions arent secure, and can be picked up by anyone who has a radio including their enemies (H10)(BARTLETT). There really isnt much that amateurs can change in the sense of encrypting their transmissions, because it is very regulated by the FCC.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The advantages of Amateur Radio out-number the disadvantages. Amateur Radios are more reliable and still work when other forms of communication are down (telephone and internet) (H10). They are very simple to use (CONRAD). Amateurs can get communications up and into a disaster area faster, and easier than other communications and electricity companies (H10). All they need to do is install a repeater running on generators, while other communications and electricity companies need to fix or even re-build their whole entire infrastructure (H10). People get so tied into cellphones. They dont understand how the telecommunications infrastructure evolved. Sometimes the latest and greatest technology isnt the most reliable, said Shanda Rice (DYNES).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hams help out in natural disasters and emergencies. They help the USGS, NOAA, and NWS with reporting tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, forest fires, earthquakes, and floods through SkyWarn (CONRAD). SkyWarn is a volunteer organization that is organized by the National Weather Service who spots severe weather and reports back to NWS. They help out federal, state, county, and local government agencies and organizations (CONRAD). Amateurs connect fire departments, hospitals, and EMAs when regular links of communication are down (CONRAD). Hams connect communities, police, search and rescue, explorers and scientists in remote areas (HAMILTON). Phone patches come in handy when hams need to make a long distance contact with one who is not an amateur operator (HAMILTON). A distressed sailor and Amateur Radio operator used his radio to call for help. Bert Wilson, a sailor, was badly burned by a faulty stove on his vessel at sea (HAMILTON). He turned on his ham radio and turned it to the regularly monitored Canadian frequency. Someone 3,000 KM away heard Wilson call for help (HAMILTON). He put Wilson in contact with a US Air Force Base, who put him in contact with a US freighter near him. They flew Wilson from the freighter to a hospital (HAMILTON). Most Amateurs are already prepared and ready to go for the next future emergency. Good hams are prepared twenty-four-seven (HARING). Hams help out when cell towers, internet servers, phones, and electricity are knocked out of service (CONRAD). Amateurs fall to their ham radios and transmissions to repeaters to communicate in times of need (CONRAD). Hams helped out during the 87 Edmonto tornado to register people left homeless by the tornado, keeping track of where they were to reunite families (HAMILTON). Also during the 87 tornado, Alberta government employee ham ops helped police patrol the area with ham talkies (HTs) to make sure there was no looting and let in only residents (HAMILTON). There are groups that amateurs can join if they are interested in helping in emergencies like Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) or ARES (HARING) (H10). Hams can get yearly practice for the BIG CALL by helping with public service such as parade and event communications (HARING). An emer gency without communication quickly becomes a disaster, said Don Montgomery (CONRAD). Amateur Radio operators come from all walks of life. They are movie stars, politicians, students, doctors, missionaries, truck drivers, and more (H11)! In fact, licensed amateurs can even talk to astronauts on the International Space Station (NASA)! There are more than one-million Amateur Radio operators (HAMILTON). The only restriction is that operators can only talk to other operators, only if the other country has an agreement with the US (H10). Amateurs talk on radio many different radio frequencies allocated by the FCC. Hams have 26 total bands that consist of many frequencies 1.8 Megahertz through 275 Gigahertz (H11). The high-frequency (HF) bands are 160 Meters (1.8-2 Megahertz), 80 Meters (3.5-4 Megahertz), 40 Meters (7-7.3 Megahertz), 30 Meters (10.1-10.15 Megahertz), 20 Meters (14-14.35 Megahertz), 17 Meters (18.068-18.168 Megahertz), 15 Meters (21-21.45 Megahertz), 12 Meters (24.89-24.99 Megahertz), and 10 Meters (28-29.7 Megahertz) (H10). The most commonly used bands (and bands with repeaters on them) are 2 Meters (144-148 Megahertz), and 70 Centimeters, hams also call 440, (420-450 Megahertz). Amateurs can also broadcast slow-scan television (SSTV) on 1.25 Meters (222-225 Megahertz) (H10). Hams shortened words down for ease of communication. Some common acryonms that amateurs use are a QTH, which is ones home, and a XYL, which is ones wife (HARING). DX-ing is long distance contesting, and amateurs send QSL postcards to their contacts as acknowledgement of contact (HARING) (HAMILTON). Amateurs sign off with a 73, which means goodbye (HAMILTON).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why People Cannot Ask For Help Essay examples -- Asking For Help

It can be seen all around us. It may, in fact, affect a good number of us. What is affecting so many people is something called the wall of pride. start to build this wall once they turn into adolescents. The wall of pride is nearly indestructible and many problems. Some people build their wall so high that they are no longer able to ask for help and that can be destructive. The unavoidable truth is that everybody needs help at some point in his or her life. What makes some people refrain from asking for it? . It can be seen in many TV shows, movies, or books. . My own mother has had experience with this strange stereotype. When I interviewed her she said that one notable experience stood out from the many. This event happened a couple of years ago when my family was driving back from Colorado. She said that we were on our way back and my dad wanted to stop at a nursing home to visit his grandma. Now, this nursing home was in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. After visiting, my mom asked my dad if he needed any help getting back onto the road. My dad took offence that my mom thought that he did not know where he was going. My mom said that he would not listen to her or look at a map. He said that he grew up going to visit his grandma and knew exactly where to go. My mom said that she gave up trying to help and started to read her book. A few hours later, my mom asked if he needed any help because we were still not on the highway. My dad said that he might have taken a wrong turn Kansas. This was a time before smart phones and GPS. My mom said that we had to find a rest stop and buy a map in order to get back onto the correct highway. When I asked if he listens better now, my mom said that my dad still does not like to ge... ...rove as a society until we can learn our weaknesses and rely on others for help to broaden our overall knowledge. Only when we reach that point will the wall of pride be desolated. Works Cited â€Å"Asking For Help†. Personal Experiment. Ed. Kim Geis. 7-19 Nov. 2013. Fallows, Deborah. "The Internet and Daily Life." Pewinternet.org. Pew Internet, 11 Aug. 2004. Web.10 Dec.2013. Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Boston: Back Bay, 2002. Print. Geis, Kim. â€Å"Student Survey.† Survey. 12 Dec. 2013. Geis, Teri. Personal interview. 11 Dec. 2013. Mayerowitz, Scott. "Male Drivers Lost Longer Than Women." ABC News. ABC News Network, 26 Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Seidman, Dr. Daniel. "Men and Asking for Help." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 08 Dec. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2013.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

America Must Learn to Respect the Elderly Essay -- Argumentative Persu

America Must Learn to Respect the Elderly It is blatantly evident that America is a country in which youth is king. Everyone wants to look young, feel young, and possess that youthful vigor and dynamism that is so highly respected by both the media and by the public. Our shelves are stocked with products to make us appear younger in any way, shape, or form; our most popular reality TV shows revolve around the lives of the young and beautiful. It seems that America’s population has forgotten that with luck, some day we will all become older. We will become those wrinkly, slow, and uncannily wise beings that hover in the background of today’s society. And what kind of life will we find once we reach that invisible point? Today’s elderly are treated with resentment and antagonism that is in appalling opposition to the respect that they deserve. In many other countries around the globe, especially in the East, growing older is an outward sign of one’s increase in knowledge and experiences. Because of this healthily accurate image of aging, the process is seen as admirable; grand...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Energy Conversation States

TMA03 Covering Block 3 Question 1 (a)An impactor mass of 45 kg is used to represent the weight of child reasonably regarded to be involved in an accident with glass or plastics. (b)The BS standards gives the manufacturers a clear set of standards that their products need to achieve to be safe and fit for the purpose that they have been designed for. It also gives the purchaser the expectation that the item has reached the standards set down by the BSI and will be a safe for the expected life of the item. (c) (i)The energy on impact is calculated by using the following equations:Potential Energy (PE) = mass x gravity x height This gives the potential energy at the height when the ball is held at the start of the test. This can be used as a check to for the Kinetic energy (KE) equation as the law of energy conversation states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. So the PE when the ball is held at height wil l be the same as the KE just before the impact with the glass. To calculate the KE use the equation KE = ? mv2 (ii) Using the KE equation from question (i)KE = ? mv2 |u = initial velocity | |v = final velocity | |a = acceleration | |s = distance | Insert the constants of Mass = 45kg To calculate the v2 using the equation v2 = u2 + 2 x a x s For test 1 KE = ? mv2 For the v2 v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 305 Gives 5978 Insert in to KE = ? mv2 to give KE = ? x 45 x 5978 To give 134505 = 135J to 3 sf To check use PE = mgh 45 x 9. 8 x 305 = 134505 Round up to 3 sf to give 135 J So PE =KE 135J is as given in BS 6206:1981. For test 2KE = ? mv2 For the v2 v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 457 Gives 8957. 2 Insert in to KE = ? mv2 to give KE = ? x 45 x 8957. 2 To give 201537 = 202J to 3 sf To check use PE = mgh 45 x 9. 8 x 457 = 201537 Round up to 3 sf to give 202 J So PE =KE 202J is as given in BS 6206:1981. For Test 3 KE = ? mv2 For the v2 v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 1219 Gives 23892. 4 Insert in to KE = ? mv2 to give KE = ? x 45 x 23892. 4 To give 537579 = 538J to 3 sf To check use PE = mgh 45 x 9. 8 x 1219 = 537579 Round up to 3 sf to give 538 J So PE =KE 538J is as given in BS 6206:1981 iii) The velocity that the impactor strikes the glass when it is dropped from a height of 1219 mm is calculated as above using: v2 = u2 + 2 x a x s v2 = 02 + 2 x 9. 8 x 1219 = 23892. 4 v = (23892. 4= 154. 6 m s-1 Question 2 (a)There are 3 main features of an invention to make it patentable. It has to have something new about it; this could be an improvement on an existing item. Also it must have a purpose (useful) and be able to be manufactured but this is not as important with today’s technologies as a software program can be patented. b) (i) The advantages of using a hollow shape for lintels are that a solid lintel is both heavy and cumbersome when it is in transit and when being manoeuvred into position at the build site. The added weight of the lintel will also require the supporting wall to be at a required strength to support the lintel and the load above it. They can be considered that they can be over designed for the job that they are intended for. It is possible to remove material from a beam without compromising its strength, as the material removed will be from areas that the stress is negligibly small is not a large volume.The stiffness of the beam will depend upon the properties of the material used in its construction and the component geometry of the design of the beam. (ii) In the Dorman Long patent the suggested material of construction plate/sheet steel. The use of plate/sheet steel is favoured due to its stiffness compared to its weight and that it can be easily folded or rolled in the construction of the lintel. (c) (i) Refer back to claim 1 of the Catnic patent as discussed in Block 3 Part 2.List the ‘essential integers’ of the Catnic lintel, and identify which component part is absent from the Dorman Long patent. a first horizontal plate or part adapted to support a course or plurality of superimposed units forming part of the inner skin and a second horizontal plate or part substantially parallel to the first and spaced there from in a downward vertical direction and adapted to span the cavity in the cavity wall and be supported at least at each end thereof upon courses forming parts of the outer and inner skins respectively of the cavity wall adjacent an a perture, and first rigid inclined support member extending downwardly and forwardly from or near the front edge adjacent the cavity of the first horizontal plate or part and forming with the second plate or part at an intermediate position which lies between the front and rear edge of the second plate or part and adapted to extend across the cavity, and a second rigid support member extending vertically from or from near the rear edge of the first horizontal plate or part to join with the second plate or part adjacent its rear edge. ii) The supporting member between th e two Suggest what effect the extra part is likely to have on the performance of the Catnic lintel compared to the Dorman Long lintel. (6 + 2 = 8 marks) Question 3 a) Although in a perfect environment there would be no risk to any persons or property and to remove any risk would mean stopping the processes that give rise to risk. However that is not the case so there will always risk involved in everything that we carry out.I have widely based this answer on the nuclear power industry where the risks involved are both acceptable and less acceptable. |Risk more acceptable | |No alternatives available |This could be classed as the use of a radio active fuel in a nuclear power | | |station.The risk of its use would be classed as acceptable as there is not| | |a suitable alternative as a fuel. | |Risk known with certainty |The use of a radio active fuel and its risks are known with certainty and | | |should be factored in to the design and management of the facility. | |Risk less accep table | |Effect delayed |Prolonged exposure to a radio active element will have a delayed effect | | dependant upon the length and magnitude of the exposure. So if these | | |exposures are not monitored and controlled the risk would be less | | |acceptable. | |Consequences irreversible |Again as the damage done from high, prolonged exposure to a radio active | | |element to the human body can be irreversible.Also a spillage or | | |accidental release to the environment could lead to the area being of no use| | |to the local population for a considerable time. | b) The principle of ALARP where improvements to the systems or process to reduce the risks are shown to be greater than the costs in the production compared to the benefits gained. The extra costs may be balanced against the risk reduction, for example, reducing the risk of exposure to the environment and humanity from hazardous chemicals or ionising radiation.The ALARP assessment in figure 3 shows that the acceptable risk fo r electrical control systems has been broken in to 3 defined harm categories. The inverted triangles show that as the frequency of those injured rises then the risk becomes less tolerable. The area shaded â€Å"broadly acceptable† shows that the processes carried out do not pose a risk to those involved, risk is negligible and it will be necessary to maintain checks and safety futures to keep the injuries at this level.In the area marked â€Å"tolerable if ALARP† shows the area that the risk of injury to those involved in the process ahs increased, if the risk was under taken then there could be a benefit. This can be broken into 2 further subsections, if the frequency is low the it can be tolerable if the cost of the risk reduction exceeds the improvement, as the frequency increases then it would only be tolerable if the risk reduction is impractical or the cost disproportionate to the gains in improvement.The area shaded â€Å"intolerable† is the area where th e frequency is at it highest and therefore the risk cannot be justified unless in exceptionable circumstances, for example working on a live high voltage electrical system. Question 4 Table 4. 4 in Block 3 Part 4 shows the various stages in energy conversion for fuel used to power a computer. It shows a hypothetical balance sheet for energy conversion from chemical energy (in a fuel) to light energy (light emitted by a computer display). a) The law of energy conversation states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed but transformed into different forms of energy i. . to heat, light, or noise energy. Therefore the sum of all the energies in the system is a constant. Explain briefly the principle of the conservation of energy, and how it applies at each stage in the energy conversion process. (2 marks) (b) Calculate the percentage of the total available energy that is converted to: (a) heat (b) noise (c) electrical energy. In each case, show your working fully. (4 + 4 + 4 = 12 marks) †¢ break into three parts†¦ energy required for ice to reach a temp of 0 q1 = mcT q1 = 11. 75 g(2. 09 J/g ·Ã‚ °C)(-5. 00 °C-0 °C) q1 = -122. 8J second part nergy required for change of states from solid to liquid q2 = n*? Hfus n = 11. 75g / 18. 02g/mol n = 0. 65mol q2 = 0. 65mol * 6. 02 kJ/mol q2 = 4. 0kJ careful units!!!! q2 = 4000J third part.. energy required for liquid water from 0 to 0. 500 °C†¦ q3 = mcT q3 = 11. 75 g(4. 21 J/g ·Ã‚ °C)(0. 500 – 0) q3 = 24. 7J ENERGY IN TOTAL†¦ E = q1 + q2 + q3 E = -122. 8J + 4000J + 24. 7J E = 3902J The final 10 marks for the assignment are awarded for presentation – see the guidance in the introduction to this booklet. These will be scored on the PT3 form as Question 5. Assignment Booklet

Monday, September 16, 2019

Research Bank Sohar

Research Project Contents Table ContentsPage number Acknowledgement Abstract Action Plan Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1Introduction 1. 2Rationale of the Study 1. 3Objectives of the Study Chapter 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2. 1 Introduction to the company 2. 2 Meaning of the topic 2. 3 Objectives and research of the topic 2. Different types of employee motivation Chapter 3 METHOD OF RESEARCH 3. 1 Design of the study 3. 2 Methods of collected data 3. 3 Types of research 3. 4 Sample size used in interview 3. 5 Limitation 3. 6 Analyzing the data Chapter 4 FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATIONS 4. 1 Findings 4. 2 Recommendations Conclusion Bibliography ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS At the outset, I would like to thank my Guide who explained to me about this Research Project in a very clear manner and assisted me at every step in completing it successfully, and my thanks are especially due to ———————————–for all his cooperation, in spite of his heavy schedules of work, and ———————– the Trainer who was very helpful in providing me with accurate information to use in this Research, and I convey my thanks to all the colleagues who cooperated with me by participating in the research by way of responding to my interviews and to the questionnaires which helped to lead me to findings and conclusions. Finally I thank all the people whoever helped me and stood by me to provide all the needful assistance to my requirement. ABSTRACT The productivity of the staff depends upon many factors for the bank. Humans are complex beings which ne ed continuous motivation to work without being burdened. Therefore, the Human Resources Department should not only impart motivational triggers but also should encourage the various groups of the staff to maintain a healthy competition; these ensure a continuous boosting of the staff’s energy levels. Dedication and loyalty to the company can also be cultured by providing staff with encouraging means to develop themselves as well as the company. The staff which feels comfortable with the bank will unlikely shift to other banks. Dedicated employees willingly work for the bank. By comparing with other banks, the bank should modify its policy’s and plans so as to not only attract more customers but also attract more staff from the other banks. Motivation thus plays an important role thus in maintaining a productive staff. A dedicated staff will anticipate not only customers’ needs but also try to develop bank through innovative ideas. This research is conducted to study the motivational aspects of Bank Sohar. The findings of the study demonstrate that proper strategies and right procedures are followed in this Bank Sohar. ACTION PLAN ID Task Name Start Finish Duration 1 Introduction: †¢Discussion with the guide about the topic. †¢Determine the requirement and objective. †¢Prepare questionnaires. †¢Planning for interview and making interview. †¢Determine and justify the research methodology. 2 Literature Review: 3 Data collection: †¢Determine and justify the research methodology. †¢Collection of both primary and secondary dates by appropriate methods. †¢Selection and preparing detailed and relevant objectives. 4 Analysis of the research project: †¢Analysis and interpretation of data and carry the research into specified areas. Making reviews with the guide regarding the project. 5 Documentation: †¢Prepare the full project in one accept format. †¢Present and evaluate findings and recommendations. 6 Presentation: Chapter 1: 1. 1 Introduc tion Bank Sohar was established on 9 April 2007. Although it is a very short time since it started its operations, it has been an extraordinary time as this new bank changed the ground rules for banking in Oman. Dr Mohammed Abdul Aziz Kalmoor, the CEO of the bank declared this year that their income of operating profit showed up a 31. 3% increase in 2010 from that of 2009. The bank’s net loans and advances grew by 14% in the last year. Customer deposits have augmented by 20% in 2010. Bank Sohar has introduced friendly financial solutions for everything from the purchase of cars to higher education. Their increased network has given it an added presence and opportunity to reach out their customers. Their new branches in prime locations of the county have given the bank an edge in the market and strengthened its position in the banking sector of the economy. Bank Sohar has developed a tradition of meeting the customers from different parts of the country at informal gatherings and road shows. This has turned out to be a model for modern marketing. Bank Sohar believes that customer satisfaction is the critical measure for bank’s success. All the decision-making processes at Bank Sohar are taken up by its finance team which assists the executive management and the board in planning and provides information and critical analysis of the Bank’s performance on a continuous basis. It is committed to providing quality banking solutions to help customers achieve their financial goals. A small example is that it is the Bank Sohar which introduced for the first time the cash deposit facility through their ATMs. All other banks in Oman emulated this bank soon. By adopting a lifecycle approach to the household sector they have created value-added services such as various savings deposits options, mortgages, consumer lending, insurances and wealth management products etc. In addition, they keep their clientele of small and medium entrepreneurs well informed of the market developments that may affect their enterprises. Bank Sohar always tries to tailor its services to suit the requirements of not only individual customers but also potential customer groups like the business communities. Thus they adopt sector-specific approach to corporate banking. As the network of the bank has increased through opening of several new branches, staff strength has automatically increased to over 500 by the end of 2010. Bank’s Omanisation ratio has steadily improved to 88% year after year. These achievements are due to the efficient management of human resources at the bank. The Human Resource Management (HRM) of Bank Sohar has been strengthening the profile of the bank by implementing its strategic goals through best international practices in human resource management. The bank encourages its staff to expose to the new and rapidly changing areas of banking industry. Facilities for learning and developing professional experience are regularly arranged by the staff at different levels. In short, Bank Sohar can be described as a bank, deeply committed to delivering excellent services with convenience and integrity to their customers. In no time it is sure to achieve their vision statement: â€Å"One stop financial super mall having boutiques of products and services across various segments, each with a unique set of propositions† 1. 2 Study the rationale As an employee in the Bank Sohar, I have the personal knowledge and understanding of the bank’s organization and its activities. Bank Sohar is he fastest upcoming bank in our country. It follows its own strategy to deal with the customers directly. Everybody working in this bank like me is treated respectfully and cordially. Their treatment can be said to be the main key for the progress of our bank during this short span of five years. 1. 3 Goals of the study –The main goal of this study is to recognize the methods of motivating and encouraging the staff at Bank Sohar. –Also it is to identify what makes the Bank Sohar achieve success in all branches in general and in Ruwi Branch in particular. Chapter 2: 2. 1 Introduction to the company: At Bank Sohar, banking is made easy. All the employees in the bank are committed to making the banking experience much smooth and efficient. Bank Sohar is well-reputed for its open and communicative relationship with the customers. They know that you are the best possible source to inform them the best way to cater your needs. Here you get specialized divisions ready to serve you. Customer’s requirement and queries are met by specialized Relationship Manager of the concerned division. They also try to solve all your banking issues with a click. With their e-Channels, your bank has become portable. Accessing your bank account has been made easy as you can access through the ATMs, Internet. Customers can also have online connectivity to their account through mobile phones. They offer a wide range of treasury services to large corporate clients, small and medium enterprises and various government departments and fund managers. †¢RO clearing and settlement †¢ RO payments to Bank Sohar accounts as well as to accounts at other banks having a presence in Oman †¢ Treasury and Foreign Exchange related services †¢ Local cheque collection †¢ Prompt query handling †¢ High degree of automation and straight-through processing †¢ On-line view only access to your account 2. 2 The meaning of the topic: Employee motivation plays vital role in the development of the company in many ways. ttp://www. managementstudyguide. com/importance_of_motivation. htm 2. 3Objectives and research of the topic: Bank Sohar provides the opportunities improvement to the productive staff. It’s in general trying to recognize the achievements and to earn more profitab le results which depends on the on the quality of staff performance, that’s why it always tries to provide their employees a good environment in order to promote personal growth. Bank Sohar gives importance to the group interest which is placed above the individual level. The officials at the bank always treat their customers, suppliers and even their colleagues very fairly and objectively. Behind all of the mentioned above, the following points are the main objectives of Bank Sohar which they are always trying to keep specific principles to help in improving their performance: †¢Provide healthy and safe workplace. †¢Make sure that the work environment is preventing the disabled people work practices and don’t present the prejudices and unreasonable barriers for which they are qualified within the bank. †¢Decrease the number of contribution for employees which can be made to the organization. †¢Recruit and return the right staff at the right time to the right place to work. †¢Promote the qualified and skilled staff based on there performance very fairly, which will gain their trust of fair treatments. 2. Different types of employee motivation: 1. Thanks award letter: Bank Sohar awards their staff monthwise by choosing the employee of the month, quarter and end of the year ,so that it provides them a voucher and including a Shukran (Thank You) Award Letter. Example: Mr / Ms†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Bank Sohar, Danq Branch NSC Department ,Oman 20 February 2010 Dear,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Shukran (Thank You) for your initiative and good support. Congratulations and thank you for your hard work. We hope that your willingness and initiative serve as an example to your colleagues. We appreciate your commitment and dedication in cooperating the department in the absence of two staff who have resigned. You demonstrated that you were willing to shoulder additional responsibility and support the smooth running of the department. In token of our appreciation, this Bank Sohar awards you a Shukran Certificate, Smiley Badge and a Gift voucher. Yours Sincerely, HEAD HUMAN RESOURCE DEPT. 2. Long Term Services Award Upon the completion of 10, 20 and 30 years, staff will be given the following awards: 30 Years: Certificate signed by the Group Chairman, a gift of the employees choice (Approximately cost USD 1,000) and one month’s basic salary. 20 Years: Printed Certificate signed by the Deputy Chairman & CEO, Bank Sohar. 10 Years: Printed Certificate signed by the Area CEO. 3. Training: Overall Aim: To establish and maintain a key competitive advantage, Bank Sohar is committed to investing in human resources development through relevant ,planned and systematic training and other activities, which will contribute directly to the achievements of Banks business objectives, as well as meeting the demands of the Omanisation process. The basic training will be conducted by the Learning and Development Manager. Where necessary, regional training centre trainers at Muscat will conduct courses throughout Oman depending on the training needs. In addition, staff may be nominated to attend various training course held in Muscat and the group training at the Management Development Centre, Liverpool ,UK. External training may also be provided mainly through College of Banking and Financial Studies and other local institutes in Muscat, Salalah etc. On the job training may also be arranged, if line managers identify any such needs. Details of the training courses are available on the intranet or may be obtained from the Learning and Development Manager. 4. Career Development: †¢Employees retiring within two years from the date of drawing up or reviewing the rotation plan will be exempt from further job rotation unless it is deemed necessary to permit the rotation of others. †¢Should line managers be unable to rotate any of their staff in accordance with these guidelines he or she must justify the exceptions ensuring that the department head supports the exceptions made. In small or specialist departments such as HR,TSY, Legal, IT or for translators ,job rotation may have to be less frequent than the guideline suggested above. 5. Retirement: Staff will retire from Bank’ s employment on attaining 60 years (for male staff) and 55 years (for female staff). This is not applicable to temporary employees. Your age is the number of years elapsed since the date of your birth as stated in your identify cards, birth certificate or passport. The bank will write to you not less than one month in advance confirming the date on which you will retire. End of services benefits will be handled in accordance with the laws regulations of Public Authority for Social Insurance. 6. End of services benefits: For the Omanis Pension Scheme: Bank will pay 10% of the monthly deducted salary and contributes to the pension scheme of the retired Omani employees who will be receiving their monthly pension as per the rules and regulations of PASI. For the Expatriate employees Terminal Benefit: Bank will pay the expatriate employee a gratuity at the of half a month’s basic salary for the first five years of service, which will be granted at the time of quitting the job. 7. Occupational Health & Safety at Work: Making sure that they protect there staff health and safety at work is essential . We make the same commitment to our customers and any other visitors who come into our branches or offices. It’s the Bank’s objective is to promote a healthy working environment and a high level of safety management and fire prevention. As an employee of the bank, you have a major responsibility for maintaining health ,safety and fire precaution guidelines of the work place. These are essentially to: †¢Take reasonable care for your own health and safety and those who may be affected by your action. †¢To follow any laid down procedures and guidelines communicated to you. †¢To bring to the attention of management any defects in the building, electrical system and machinery. Chapter 3: 3. 1 Design of the study: Primary Data: This is the data acquired through the distribution of questionnaires and from the personal interviews. The personal interviews are always not possible and require more time. Therefore, Primary data is the un-analysed data obtained from research methods. Secondary Data: The data which on analysis gives perception and information to the grounds of research is called Secondary data. This data is classified into qualitative and quantitative; therefore the Secondary data is important for the formation of new grounds in the research. 3. 2 Methods of the collecting data: Primary Data: 1. Questionnaire: It is a list of questions containing all the possible parameters that the researcher wants to consider. It is the easiest and fastest way to do a research. The advantage is that only desired fields are considered and hence the data obtained is more focused. 2. Interview: In this type, the researcher communicates with the employee or customer for their opinions and thus researcher can obtain personal opinions of the fields that the researcher wants consider. But the data is not focused. 3. Observation: Observation is the method in which the researcher observes the fields without interfering with the process. The researcher deduces the data from his observation. This does not require searching for contacts. 4. Experimentation: It’s a technique used to do the investigations, which will observe the changing and find out where the influences are including the regards. Secondary Data: †¢Magazines: -Business Today Magazine (April 2011) –Times of Oman (dated 23 April 2011) †¢Internet websites: –www. banksohar. com –www. zawya. com –www. ameinfo. com – (http://www. humanresources. hrvinet. com/ questionnaire-method/) †¢Books: – Booklet of summery review of Bank Sohar’s Brand and Values in 2009 (Provided by the HR) 3. 3 Types of research: Questionnaires: In Bank Sohar, the service quality is of utmost importance. To achieve this many strategies are used. The Human Resources Department of Bank Sohar mostly uses questionnaires to collect the data from both the employees and customers. This method, as mentioned above, is easy and efficient. The data thus collected is then further analysed. Such method helps the bank to review its performance and also to know of the popularity of its various services. 1. In comparison with other banks does Bank Sohar provide you best way to get staff motivation: A. Yes B. Some times C. No D. At all 2. What do you think Bank Sohar should focus to achieve more staff motivation? A. Promotions B. Rewarding system C. Salary review D. All above 3. Is Bank Sohar providing the following selections to their employees fairly? A. Yearly bonus B. Promotions C. Increment of allowances D. Pension 4. Compared with other local banks, Bank Sohar provides good conditions to ts staff? A. Yes B. No C. No comments D. No answer 5. What makes you feel proud to work for Bank Sohar? A. Work environment B. Policies and conditions C. Team Work D. Rewards system 6. Does your current position satisfy your motivation level using the specific conditions? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes D. No comments 7. Which of the followi ng banks would you like to apply in future? A. Current bank (Bank Sohar) B. Bank Muscat C. HSBC D. Nothing from the above. 1. Do you think that the bank is providing you a very fair performance appraisal? †¢Yes they are discussing with us before confirming Human Resources about the final performance results. They are using a very fair system where you can load what you have done during the year including the extra improvements, so it will be very clear for them to apprise each one among the bank. 2. Is Bank Sohar setting a fair targets for each staff? †¢Actually there are some people in the management departments dividing the work not in order to be covered by all staff, so in this some of the staff will feel demotivated as he will be pressurized in compare with others. 3. Does you line manager update you about your performance from time to time? †¢Yes, whenever any mistake is done he will keep me updated and insure that it won’t happen again. 4. Does Bank Soha r provide you a chance to develop your skills? †¢Actually, they are always promoting an online courses which you can go through it any time, but before the due dates. †¢They are sending their staff for external courses in the College of Banking and Finance. In addition they also provide us chances to graduate with higher diploma certificates for such specialized subjects. †¢They are rewarding their staff annually one person from one department by sending them for an attachment to one of the Europe branches, in order to learn more and gain more knowledge. 4. What are the returns which you can provide to the bank if you are satisfied with them? †¢I will do my best to increase the number of quality customers which will help in increasing the profit of the bank. Also I will be proud in front of my family and friends to work for the bank in order to keep a good view for people who are thinking to apply for the same bank specially qualified and experienced people. 3. 4 Sample size used in interview method as follows: Sl NoOrganisationDesignationName of the Employee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Loan Department Salary & Deposit Cards Department Corporate Department Remittance Assistant Officer Manager Officer Manager Ibrahim Issa Ibrahim Al Zidjali Yusuf Suleiman Salem Al Wahibi Anas Hamad Seif Al Wahibi Juma Ra’shid Juma Al Saadri Fahma Al Mugheini Sl. noLocationCustomer/StaffName of the Employee 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Main Branch Main Branch Main Branch Qurum Branch Qurum Branch Main Branch Al Sarooj Branch Al Khuwair Branch Al Khuwair Branch Main Branch Al Khuwair Branch Al Seeb Branch Al Khuwair Branch Al Khuwair Branch MQ Branch Main Branch Al Khuwair Branch Qurum Branch Qurum Branch Main Branch MQ Branch MQ Branch MQ Branch Main Branch Al Seeb Branch Al Seeb Branch Main Branch Main Branch Main Branch Qurum Branch Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Employee Eyas Sayid Saud Al Mashri Sara Teasdale Iman Seif Al Lamki Tariq Mohd. Al Balushi Assim Ahmed Ali Al Wahibi Abdul Aziz Abdullah Al Wahibi Abdullah Ahmed Al Wahibi Abdullah Siddik Al Balushi Narjees Sa’ad Al Harthy Abdullah Mohd. Al Balushi Amina Seif Al Mussallum Majd Salem Saleem Al Wahibi Mohd. Salem Khamis Al Saithani Mohd. Salem Mohd. Al Wahibi Mohd. Mubarak Sayid Al Oufi Mohd. Mousa Yahya Al Harbi Mohd Nasser Humeid Al Badaae Masoud Salem Al Harthy Frhat Ali Al Zidjali Nadia Issam Al Balushi Dawood Ibrahim A’Salmi Ali Salem Al Shammaqi Salem Manal Al Tourqi Juma Ra’shid Juma Al Saadri Hussain Sayid Al Lawati Saad Salem Al Balushi Sayid Ra’shid Mohd Al Oufi Saifuddin Hisham Aziz Diwidaar Seif Sayid Nasser Al Wahibi Yusuf Yaqub Al Alaawi 3. 5 Limitation: No matter what method the researcher uses, there are always certain disadvantages. And moreover, in most cases the time is limited and therefore it becomes hard to manage the collection and analysis of data. Other limitations that I faced are: Some information about the bank is not accessible and is difficult to find As I chose the method of interview I got mixed up answers. As the level of knowledge and skill differ from one person to another, the responses varied greatly. In order to trace the trend in my data, I had to use large numbers of samples or interviewees. 3. 6 Analyzing the data: 1. In comparison with other banks does Bank Sohar provide you best way to get staff motivation? Conclusion : In the above chart it shows that most of the staff was satisfied with the motivational level which is been provided by Bank Sohar, as the negative answers are least chosen by the employees question (represented by C and D series in graph) are not very satisfied with motivation. 2. What do you think Bank Sohar should focus more in order to achieve staff motivation: Conclusion: Bank Sohar, staff are not happy with their salary as it wasn’t a good review for their salaries, but at least the rewarding system was playing a good part in their emotions. This can be easily understood by looking at the number who was happy with their salaries. 3. Is Bank Sohar providing the following selections to their employees fairly? Conclusion : Bank Sohar staff are not happy at all with the pension policies,where the level of satisfaction in the yearly bonuses was covering that percentage of motivation level which follows the promotion level, then it decreased again in the allowances increments. 4. Compared with other local banks, Bank Sohar provides good conditions to its staff? Conclusion: Bank Sohar staff is happy with the conditions which are provided to them as the calculation was very high in that level. Where some of them only are not satisfied at all, and at the lowest level was calculating in no nswers as most of them didn’t answer the question. 5. What makes you feel proud to work for Bank Sohar? Conclusion: The level of team work satisfaction was very high between Bank Sohar staff as one of the bank’s aim’s is to create a good environment and a strong team work, as it shown in the results that they are ha ppy with that strategy. 6. Does your current position satisfy your motivation level using the conditions? Conclusion: Bank Sohar staff are very happy with the conditions provided to them in their current passion where it was fluctuating between no answers and no comments, but in general they are happy with the conditions provided to them. 7. Which of the following banks would you like to apply in future? Conclusion: The staff are mostly satisfied and wish to continue working in the same environment in Bank Sohar. They are not satisfied to work with other banks in comparison. The highest result was calculating for Bank Sohar, so in general they are satisfied with the future chances which are provided to them. Chapter 4: 4. 1 Findings: On referring the observation depicted in the graphs, the human resources department of Bank Sohar is taking appropriate steps for maintaining the motivational levels of the employees. It closely monitors the employees and then relates their levels to their performances. The staff is happy with the policies and conditions provided to them and the staff satisfaction is in high levels. Highest levels of staff satisfaction in the bank can be achieved through continuous comparison the facilities which are provided to their staff with those of other banks, thus the bank will be able to identify the positive triggers which attract employees and consumers. The bank through this can identify its weak areas. Therefore the bank should look after other bank’s issues seriously and try to learn to not commit same mistakes and plan wisely to leap in the market. Some other measures to ensure staff motivation include: †¢The bank should do salary review from time to time. By improving the level of motivational facilities such as; increase the level of allowances, promotions, more development skills programs and rewarding system show positive levels of motivation. †¢Throughout the year, the staff is to be updated regularly about their performance. â⠂¬ ¢The bank needs to do more comparison with its competitor banks in term of motivating their staff. In general Bank is doing a very good job and they are always trying to motivate their staff and try to keep them for ever specially the experienced and skilled people. 4. 2 Recommendation : 1. Regular surveying is necessary to measure the motivational levels of the staff. This enables management to update various hindrances which cause de-motivation. 2. Personal opinion gatherings are essential to make the bonds between the management and employees which is essential for long term performance development. 3. By increasing the factors that cause the motivation, the company can instill motivation. For example vouchers limit can be enhanced. 4. By involving various levels of employees in the meetings to induce motivation into the lower levels of employees and help in overall staff development. 5. By sending the staff to other institutions for development and other educational programs, the motivation levels can be increased. Conclusion: Motivation level can be developed easily in Bank, as the management should keep in their minds that they are dealing with humans who need a special and very respective standard level. Generally management should follow a proper strategy in treating their staff by following the right procedures so as to intensify motivation and competition. Bank Sohar prioritizes the motivation of the employees as an important aspect in the whole bank’s functioning. The Human Resources Department of the bank regularly surveys and finds various ways to ensure the continuity of the motivational levels among the staff. The bank well understands that healthy competition and motivational are vital for dedicated performance. Bibliography: –www. banksohar. com –www. zawya. com –www. ameinfo. com –http://www. humanresources. hrvinet. com/questionnaire-method/ –Business Today Magazine (April 2011) –Times of Oman (dated 23 April 2011)